Mandarin and percula clowns


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So I went to my lfs today before my percula clowns are ready to be transferred from my qt to my dt. Since I have a super aggressive Saddleback I decided to get a knitter keeper and drill holes in the sides of it to give some flow. I placed the percs. In the keeper and placed them in the dt. My saddle back swam over and looked in and then he swam off like they weren't even there. I'm hesitant to release them just yet but I fou d it odd that he didn't react towards them the same way he did the other clowns I placed in there with him..... any thoughts? Could it be because they are different colors and he doesn't really care or is he just interested because they are of a difference species?

On another topic. When I went into the store they were hand feeding a pretty green Mandarin to show another lady he was eating prepared foods. She decided not to get him and so I asked if I could feed him. They let me feed him some brine shrimp from a dropper. Needless to say he is now in my qt wiring to be placed in my DT after making sure he is fully healthy. I also bought 3000 pods. Via the lfs. I bought all the pouches they had. Since I wanted them Lol I got them for 8 dollars a bag.... didn't realize they had marked them up that much as they are normally 20 bucks. I seeded my tank 3 months ago but I bought more as a precaution. However about N hour after being in my qt I attempted to feed him a little and he took the frozen brine shrimp directs from my dropper. It was just like target feeding the corals. Lol and my Saddleback because when I feed my nems the Saddleback always swims to the dropper and eats the brine shrimp directly from the dropper.
Be carful mixing clowns. I have a mated pair of false percs and they kill anything that goes in the tank shaped the same as they are. That includes damsels. On the other side I have mollies in the tank happily eating hair algae and the clowns couldn't care less.
Lol yup that's why I have them in the knitter keeper. If things don't work out when I release them my 60 gallon tank is about a week away from being cycled so worst case senerios is they go back in quarantine until the 60 is finished.
From personal experience in pairing clowns, how the existing clown reacts to another clown(s) in a holding container is very different than how they react when they are free swimming in the tank, in their territory, etc. Doesn't mean they won't get along, but it absolutely doesn't tell you anything about potential aggression. Using a holding container is the safest way to pair clowns though, just not that indicative of future aggression.

A maroon clown was the only one I ever paired that showed aggression while the other was in the holding container and they are notoriously aggressive clowns. Dozens of other clowns I paired showed no aggression/interest while the other(s) was in the holding container, but certainly showed it when they were released to free swim. Just watch them when released and intervene if/when fins start to get tattered.
Sorry not sure of th answer but I loled when you said well now he is in my qt tank after feeding it haha

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I need to find a Mardarin already eating prepared food. It might convince my hubbs to let me have one :p

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Ok so when I got home from working an 8 hour shift the saddle back still was showing no interest. So I took the plunge and opened the door to kk. They swam out. After reading everything about true and false percs. And ocellaris clowns.... They are def. False perks. 11 spines very thin lines. From what I read that means they are ocellaris clowns. It doesn't matter though either way. I love em. :) but back on track. The saddle back doesn't even care. They all three swim together they all three go in the nems. It was almost instant that they followed the saddle back into the condi. I was shocked. Lol so not only is my condi hosting my Saddleback he's now hosting 2 ocellaris as well. Crazy crazy crazy madness...... but I am soo happy. The Saddleback is the largest followed very closely by one of my ocellaris. Then the third is about half the size of the saddleback. I'm thinking the Saddleback is my female. Then I have a larger dominant male and small male. But Jay end up with 2 females and a heiarchy. Who knows. However it works out they are all getting along. I'm soo shocked and perplexed. :thumbs:
What size tank do you have?

In my experience, unless you have a very large tank (6' or longer), eventually there will be a turf war among the different species of clowns.

Tank size also matters with a Mandarin - even if they'll accept prepared foods, they have to eat all the time, and they will quickly exhaust the pod population in a small tank, and if there are other fishes that compete for pods with them, it usually ends with an emaciated Mandarin, or worse, one that starved to death.

It's a 150 gallon. It's a six foot tank. I seeded with pods 3 months ago. Then close to 2000 pods when I added him. Well he's in qt atm. Then I plan to buy 1000 to 2000 pods a month for the first 3 months or so just as a precaution. And the clowns are doing great as of now. They moved to the bubble tip nem. But they are all swimming together happily at this time. If I run into issues I have 2 tanks cycling right now so there will be places for them if need be