Mandarin Help


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Alright guys We’ve been doing everything we can and we are loosing our mandarin. She is not at the beyond help point yet but we are inching our way there. We have been dosing 16-48 ounces if not more of pods a week into the tank. We have a very healthy population in our Refugium. We set up a homemade pod hotel in the main display tank; we even started our own pod culture which has taken off. We feed a mix of cyclops oyster and fish eggs arcipods brine shrimp twice a day and yet she is loosing weight. I do have a white work culture started. Would it be best to move her to a qt tank so we can focus on her? I don’t want to loose her I just feel awful. We even did all of our research before getting her and had the tank ready and yet I’m still in this boat. I don’t know what else to do.
Is she eating & losing weight or just not eating?
She’s eating and loosing weight. We see her eating off the rocks and off the sand throughout the day. We turn the pumps off twice a day during feeding to let everything settle on the ground as well.
She’s eating and loosing weight. We see her eating off the rocks and off the sand throughout the day. We turn the pumps off twice a day during feeding to let everything settle on the ground as well.
Internal parasites is my guess - mandarins can be different than typical fish - I'd get on forum and do a search / post a request for assistance there.

you'll get good recommendations on treating.

FWIW - I managed to eliminate (as far as I can tell) internal parasites that were causing similar issues in some fish by soaking food in API General Cure, Selcon & Focus for about 2 weeks - my fish that were eating but still wasting away have since become quite "healthy"
Internal parasites is my guess - mandarins can be different than typical fish - I'd get on forum and do a search / post a request for assistance there.

you'll get good recommendations on treating.

FWIW - I managed to eliminate (as far as I can tell) internal parasites that were causing similar issues in some fish by soaking food in API General Cure, Selcon & Focus for about 2 weeks - my fish that were eating but still wasting away have since become quite "healthy"
Thank you!!
Internal parasites is my guess - mandarins can be different than typical fish - I'd get on forum and do a search / post a request for assistance there.

you'll get good recommendations on treating.

FWIW - I managed to eliminate (as far as I can tell) internal parasites that were causing similar issues in some fish by soaking food in API General Cure, Selcon & Focus for about 2 weeks - my fish that were eating but still wasting away have since become quite "healthy"
I posted on there and 2 people suggested a feeder type thing but nothing about parasites? Are the meds you mentioned ok to use in a display or should we move her to the qt tank with the naughty clowns?
I posted on there and 2 people suggested a feeder type thing but nothing about parasites? Are the meds you mentioned ok to use in a display or should we move her to the qt tank with the naughty clowns?
I’d move her but not in with healthy fish
Update we did a little experimenting today. The other day we ordered Coral Feast Ova and didn’t expect it to come in until late next week. It showed up yesterday and she went to town on it last night. She ate so much off the ground that non kicked up when we turned the pumps back on. Today we put in a small bag of baby brine shrimp and once they settled on the rocks and ground she started eating them. Crossing our fingers that between these 2 things we can get weight back on her.
So update on our mandarin, she is no longer skinny!! I don’t know if it was the death of our red Ruby dragonet that just allowed her to get more pods or if it was the ova food that got more weight on her or the fact we are now growing our own pods and can dose quite frequently. We will keep dosing the way we are and keep feeding the ova either way but she is now in the clear.