Mangrove Refugiums?


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Has anyone used or is currently using mangroves in their refugiums? I think I am going to purchase some mangrove shoots to add to my refugium on my two new 30/37 gal cubes when I get them set up. Just inquiring about experiences of fellow members! Thanks in advance!
Futureinterest has some in his setup. I would PM him and ask I'm not sure when he gets on so this might get buried by then.
I have been thinking about this as well since I have a 5" DSB fuge. However in Calfo's book, he comments that their low rate of nutrient uptake vs. macro algae doesn't make them particularly useful in a fuge other than aesthetic purposes.

Still, they look cool, so I figure I'll get one sometime.
I've got one growing in my tank's overflow. It's just suspended with the roots dangling in the water. Can't say it has done me any good but I like looking at it. I figured it couldn't hurt, and I got it for free.
Yes I do have about 20 or so in my fuge along with macros. They grow rather well about 2 new leavers per shoot every 2-3 weeks. Of course they are trees... so eventually I'll have to "bonsai" them to keep them under the tank or create a remote pot for them beside the tank as someone suggested to me once... I don't recall who...
I suggested that. I saw a set up with a pot next to it. the pot/fuge was disguised so you would never know what itwas! Way cool. The trees were like 5" and good looking.
I thought about using one of those 1/2 barrel planters and the mini-pond insert you can get for them. It'd make for a nice presentation.
Xyzpdq0121;30599 wrote: I suggested that. I saw a set up with a pot next to it. the pot/fuge was disguised so you would never know what itwas! Way cool. The trees were like 5" and good looking.

The guy at Poseiden's Reef must've seen the same thing- he told me about it during a conversation on 'fuges. I'd be willing to be a bush-sized mangrove would do a fair amount of nutient export!
Bryan, that is interesting because the tank that I saw it on was one that Bob Fenner had set up for a friend in Michigan! Maybe the guys at Poseiden's are from up north! ;) No, I doubt it is an original idea but it is a very cool project for some one who is more crafty then I am!
Brandon, guess not, then. But like Sprayin70, I'd love to see some mangrove pics. Anybody got some?
I think I am going to run some shoots in the refugium/sump once I get it set up. If anyone has a system already going I would appriciate some pictures also! Thanks in advance!
it really depends on the types of mangroves, too. Red mangroves (i think) need to be misted every day with fresh water, or the leaves die, soon followed by the plant. Seems like too much a hassle for me.