Mantis Shrimp

seedless reefer

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Last few days the Mantis has been excavating. All day long you can hear him....pop, pop, pop!

Today there is a new hole in the rock right in front where this once small Mantis has decided to park.

It is really the first time I have been able to get a real close up look at him and what a fascinating creature he is and just beautiful.

Some cool things I observed:

I had my nose almost against the glass with an unlit cigarette in my mouth. The Mantis inched forward and I could tell he was looking at me as hard as I was looking at him.

Of course my mental sickness dictates that I speak to all my tank inhabitants and as I did this the cigarette was moving up and down and side to side ansd his eyes followed intently or maybe I should say his eye because he can move them independent of the other and I assume can look at two things at once.

They have a cool compound looking eye sort of like an insect and they are silver but what was cool was as it moved its eye to look at things you could see black patterns emerge on the lens like it was acquiring a target.

Honestly the mantis gets little attention because he is always hidden but I can't think of anything much more bizarre in this hobby except maybe the cephlopods.