marine beta


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the divers den had a neat one that got me thinking if anyone on here has had one? They list it as reef safe, so I am curious to their temperament.
As far as I know...Dont quote me on this.. But they can get large and agressive..Reef safe as in prolly wont eat corals.. I'll do some more digging and see if I cant get up some info for ya..
For more information... check this out:

I have had one for about 6 months in my reef. No problem at all. They are shy and hid a lot. The Aviarium in Duluth usually has one in stock, go there and watch it eat before taking it home. I have some smaller fish like chromis, royal gamma ect. and they are fine. My Bata is about 6" and eats mysis, krill, and silver sides.
I remember Optimum had one last time I was there (it was in the middle of them moving) and was like $80.
LFS in Albany had one that was out in the open and the small clown was comfortable around it. This was only a 5 min observation on my part though
elFloyd;318778 wrote: For more information... check this out:"></a>[/QUOTE]

interesting read. thanks, that about sums 'em up nicely.