maroon clown and RBTA


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I picked up a bubble tip yesterday in hopes that my maroon clown would hop in it. no such luck. ive taped some pictures of various maroon clowns hosting on the glass. but i dont think he even notices them. any suggestions on how to get him in there?

also on an unrelated note type in "super maroon clown" on google images and prepare to have your mind blown.
Give it some time. My clowns currently host a frogspawn, but ignored it for the first 2 weeks it was in there, then one day, BAM! Swimming in and out like they grew up in it.
Bubble-tip anenomes are the preferred host for Maroon Clowns so it will get there eventually. Like au01st said, give it some time.
i have a maroon and got a green bubbletip tonight and it was funny but as soon as the bubbletip hit the water the maroon was in it.. been following it all night while it looks for a comfy place **fingers crossed its in a good viewing area** glad yours got to hosting :-D
That is such a cool relationship. When I added my GBTA to a tank with a pair of Maroon Clowns the female jumped in it while I was still holding it before I got it to the position I hoped it would stay in.