Maroon Clown doing burn-outs?!?


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Hey y'all...

My maroon clown has been doing this every since I got her but now that the new tank has A LOT of sand space it is a pain...

Essentially the clown is just sticking her tail in the sand and flapping it back and forth until she shoots out of the cloud of sand... I swear it is like she is doing burn-outs...

What is up? Is her butt itchy? Is she looking for substrate hiding food critters? Or is she showing off for the amuzement of the other tank inhabs?

My clown hangs out in the bottom corner of my tank. It keeps the entire corner clear of any sand. No idea why though.
shes preparing her nest (home site). My maroon does this around her anemone, and is frantic about it before spawning.
Yes It is pretty normal and yes it is an PITA... It seems like they do this more in the absence on a host anemone but they will do it at any rate.
Awww... Bless her pea-pickin' heart... She's got about as much chance of spawning right now as I do :whistling:

Hey wait, I could go out to a club, errr uh I mean library or something every once in awhile and try to find a mate :slap:
You could go to Myspace, write to a young girl and go meet her at her house and maybe get a chance to go on TV!!!! Later they will put you in a place that will allow you to mate all the time! lol I know this has nothing to do with Clowns, but it's Saturday night and I have nothing better to do than watch Dateline on my TIVO.
ssssshhhh! dont go blowin' my crackspace cover! :shades:

I'm on there as Marcello, an Abercrombie model that spends 19 hours a day doing crunches and the other 5 hours whitening my teeth... :D
Come on Frank... the only crunch Ive seen you do is down on a pretzel with a beer in the other hand.
She's exhibiting some hosting behavior, which is normal. Clowns will inevitably host in something whether it be a coral, anenome, or a pirate ship... they'll find something to call home. Give her a bubble tip and she'll keep it tidy instead of your sand.