Massaging Cheato?


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I have had a ball of Cheato in my Fuge for about 3 months...Although very green....It doesn't seem to be growing larger.....I have a homedepot CF daylight on it that was recommended from Melev's Reef. Should I periodically massage it or anything to get it to grow larger? Or what else could I be doing wrong?

I turn my over/around every once in a while and it seems to be growing fine. I used a HD fixture for a while and mine grew but once I bought an actual refugium fixture to fit my CPR it started growing like a weed.
I have the same problem, I heard using a powerhead to rotate it helps but really hasn't for me.

I have a Coralife 24" fixture with a 6500 bulb in it as well!

I also heard that unless your fuge/chaeto chamber gets completely dark during a 24hr period, it will not grow properly either. I have mine on a reverse lighting cycle but during the day, my fuge still gets some light. That may be my issue.
Chris - Thats a good idea about the power head....i have a MJ600 not being used so maybe I will try that. Mine does get total darkness and it is setup on a reverse daylight type system.

Perry - I cannot say my system is balanced....My nitrates are getting high and I'm trying to get that under control. But all my other chem points seem to be on par.
I have a rolling cheato fuge, and my light is on 24/7 (18 watt PC). The cheato grows quite well.
Start overfeeding your tank and drive your nitrates up and the Cheato will start growing! Your goal is to grow Cheato to export excess nutrients....not growing is a good thing and probably more affected by water chemistry than lighting IMHO.
If you have a bunch of nutrients in your water it will grow like mad. Do you feed your tank alot?
I do not feed a lot....I had phosphate issues and bad GHA problem so I cut back my feeding to only 1 or 2 times a day (depending on the day of the week).
yea...I still have some GHA left not much though...I will try turning the lights off 3 days and do water changes. Will everything survive ok though?

Excellent.....Yea...Everyone is really healthly including the corals I have in there now.... I see the darkness coming!!! :)
If you have excess nutrients but your cheato is not growing then more than likely you have an iron deficiency issue.

Macro algaes need a certain level of iron to grow. Regular water changes are usually sufficient to maintain iron levels. However, iron does get pulled out quickly and I do occasionally dose it when I find my macros are no longer growing well and don't look as robust.
Iron huh? I will have to look into that. I would have never have thought of that. Thanks Jin.
I dose mine with a few drops of iron every other day. I also dose live phyto every alternative day to support pods & give nutrients.