May have a mating pair of swallowtail angels....


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Last couple nights, my swallowtail angel pair are in the corner going up and down on the wall together. Little white specs on the back wall now. Very cool except even if little ones hatched they'd surely be snatched up by the other fish....
That's cool!! I have seen my pair of Flame Angels doing that too but never could see if any eggs were released. It's usually around the time the lights are going out and before the moon lights are on.
kinda sounds like spawning behavior, but they do not deposit there eggs on hard surfaces. The release them into the water column. So, sorry, those are not angel eggs. Likely snail eggs. My watanabeis spawn all the time- it is really fun tio watch.
After checking it out this morning, I agree - they are the normal little white things on the back of the tank. I think little worms?

But the swallowtails where going up and down in a small section of the back of the tank next to each other last night so they must be spawning. They really don't hang out that much together during the day so it was not normal behavior.

And they only seem to do it when the lights go out.
ChrisOzment;203870 wrote: After checking it out this morning, I agree - they are the normal little white things on the back of the tank. I think little worms?

But the swallowtails where going up and down in a small section of the back of the tank next to each other last night so they must be spawning. They really don't hang out that much together during the day so it was not normal behavior.

And they only seem to do it when the lights go out.

Yup, right at lights out (dusk). Mine do it all the time.