Meeting Minutes 1/25/10


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Sorry it has taken so long to get these up - an 11 week old munchkin has been absorbing all my free time.:wow2:

<p style="text-align:center;"><div style="text-align: center;"><u>BOD meeting 1/25/2010</u>

Attending: Michael Foote, Simon Kruger, Christine Horne, Chris Horne, Bob Lemke, Jennifer Myerscough, Brian Harris, Raymond Joiner, AJ Davis

Meeting began at 7:40 pm

1)Discussion of presentation of donated tank at GMC-Duluth. Tank was funded by ARC BOD 2009 via funds from MACNA profits. Discussion of large amount of press coverage for the ARC as there were articles in the local Duluth paper, local Gwinnet paper, and in Marine Scenes.

2)Discussion of ARC related financial accounts for December and 2009.
-Significant amount of work provided by Bud Horn (Budsreef) and Simon Kruger to get all business registered correctly and to get all tax returns up to date with the accountant.
-All accounts for ARC, MACNA, Saltwater U up to date
-Simon is working on getting all accounts changed from 2009 officers to 2010 officers – priority to get Ansley Craton on the accounts and 2009 officers off
-Simon working on getting all credit cards related to ARC accounts turned over to 2010 officers
-Simon working on getting all Wachovia accounts and Paypal account linked to keep accounts simplified
-Simon getting passwords on all accounts updated
-Discussion of opening an ARC safe deposit box with all account numbers and passwords stored in the box in case of emergency
-Simon plans to have each months expenses available by the following months ARC meeting
-Priority has been to get taxes for the past years that have not been submitted up to date and to have Ansley Craton sign them ASAP to get them filed
-For a complete report of accounts, etc. please contact ARC Treasurer Simon Kruger

3)Discussed exploring options regarding purchasing a CD to hold the MACNA money that have been set aside for then next several years BODs. Consider 1 year, 2 year, 3 year CD’s for each upcoming BOD with interest earning potential.

4)Discussion on future of club, and direction club should go

5)Discussion of the February Frag Meeting – Michael Foote (Amberjack) in charge
-Discussed Marine Fish to be provider of several large colonies to be fragged for the meeting
-Phillip Root to do presentation related to fragging corals
-Planning to get as many of the corals prefragged as possible – saving 2-3 large colonies to be fragged by Phillip Root as part of his presentation

6)Discussion of possible new moderators to allow the current BOD members to step aside as provided by changes to the ARC’s Bylaws
-Suggestions were made for AJ Davis (Showtime 305) and Joe Clark (Sailfish)

-Discussion of club providing funds to cover the prizes for POTM not to exceed $50 first prize and possible $25 for second prize – as there was not a quorum of BOD members present this will be voted on online in the BOD discussion forum
-Discussion of club providing funds to allow for a plaque prize to be awarded to each months TOTM – as there was not a quorum of BOD members present this will be voted on online in the BOD discussion forum

8)Club Inventory
-Discussion of inventorying all ARC property and location of said property in one spreadsheet

9)Discussion of sponsorship rules as relate to e-tialers and home-based businesses.
Topics tabled and planned for the next BOD meeting due to a lack of quorum of BOD members include: 1) Discussion of Board of Directors vacancies, 2) Soliciting Sponsors, 3) Outreach programs / projects

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm