BoD meeting notes from 9/7/2013.
Dylan Carter (Ripped Tide) - President
Seth Peters (Seth the Wine Guy) - Vice President
Giuliano Moschini (GiulianoM) - Secretary, ARC Admin
Rick Mahathirath (lagunareef)
Topics discussed:
<li>ARC Auction in October
<li>Club purchased items for auction.</li>
<li>Registration processes for sellers/bidders.</li>
<li>Per-item entry fees for people auctioning items. $5 per item or pack of corals.</li>
<li>Location (Steve Shindell\\'s Office Complex)</li>
<li>Date (Oct 26)</li>
Dylan Carter (Ripped Tide) - President
Seth Peters (Seth the Wine Guy) - Vice President
Giuliano Moschini (GiulianoM) - Secretary, ARC Admin
Rick Mahathirath (lagunareef)
Topics discussed:
<li>ARC Auction in October
<li>Club purchased items for auction.</li>
<li>Registration processes for sellers/bidders.</li>
<li>Per-item entry fees for people auctioning items. $5 per item or pack of corals.</li>
<li>Location (Steve Shindell\\'s Office Complex)</li>
<li>Date (Oct 26)</li>
- </li>
<li>Possibility of a \"mini swap\", similar to previous ARC Member Frag Swaps.</li>
<li>Possible introduction of a \"Let\'s put together an aquarium\" project - e.g, a tank for charity, hospitals, etc</li>
<li>Potential candidates for Officer and Staff roles.</li>
- Holiday Party - options considered:
<li>Casino Night</li>
<li>Live music</li>
- Discussions of BoD Members having attended MACNA 2013 during 8/30-9/2.
<li>BoD poll vote was taken in early August and voted to send Dylan, Seth, and Giuliano to MACNA 2013.</li>
- Discussed further the possibilities of a "Let's put together an aquarium" project, where ARC Members come together with an effort to put together a reef tank for a suitable charity, such as a children's hospital.