BOD Meeting Wednesday May 19, 2010
Attending: Raj Knight, Simon Kruger, Micheal Foote, Ansley Craton, Christine Horne, Barry Castle, Jenn Myerscough, Dave Grim, Gary Nash
Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm
1.) Minutes from January BOD meeting admitted to the record
2.) Financial Statement reviewed – any questions may be submitted to Simon Kruger
Discussion : Taxes all filed and up to date with the IRS through 2010; Google Ads all set up; Jenn M states that as a sponsor she does not like the Google Ads, while Raj (Skriz) states that as a sponsor he does not mind the adds
3.) MACNA Funds - $5,000 for this years BOD to allocate
Discussion: Formal proposals for the use of the 2010 MACNA funds to be submitted to committee by any ARC member; per BOD decision last year MACNA funds are to be managed separately from the general ARC funds
Motion for Ansley (DrNecropolis) to start a thread for sending the formal proposals to committee – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Motion for BOD to give Power of Attorney to Raj Knight (Skriz) for the purpose of setting up a Trust for dispersal of the MACNA funds with current ARC President, Raj Knight, and CPA as Executors – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
4.) Summer BBQ party
Discussion: Ansley (DrNecropolis) managing – planning for Murphy Chandler Park as in previous years; due to liability issues as in previous years the club will not be providing alcohol, party will be BYOB, club will provide the required police presence in order to obtain an alcohol permit; considering more child friendly food this year
Motion – Budget for the Summer BBQ party to be $3000 – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
5.) Par Meter Policy
Discussion: Much discussion focused how to loan out the par meters, where they would be picked up, who would control each of the par meters, deposit to ensure return of the par meters (up to $200 discussed)
Motion – 1 par meter to be sent in to be repaired / recalibrated with budget of $125 – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Motion was then repealed unanimously
Motion – offer the 2 par meters up (in as is condition) as raffle items and suspend any further rental of par meters – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Discussion of offering the older par meter for raffle at the BBQ possibly, and holding the second newer par meter for raffle at the Holiday party
Motion - Micheal to author a thread notifying the club members of the suspension of the par meter rentals – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
6.) Membership Coordinators
Motion – Jamie Craton (MrsNecropolis) to help Tamara as CoMembership Coordinator with access to member info to help with Paypal, memberships, raffles, etc – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
7.) Sponsor Coordinator
Discussion – Dave Grim (Acroholic) volunteers to be CoSponsor Coordinator to Mufret
Motion – To allow Dave Grim (Acroholic) to approach sponsor stores and solicit donations for the club with a zero cost receipt provided for taking in merchandise for the club – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Micheal Foote (Amberjack) to send PM’s to sponsor stores informing them that Dave Grim can accept merchandise on behalf of the club
8.) Upcoming Meetings
Discussion – Keith Sirmans (Smoothie) volunteered to help schedule meeting speakers to assist Rob (Lil Robb)
9.) ARC Tank Build
Discussion – Raj Knight (Skriz) to write up article on the tank build; Micheal (Amberjack) to author a thread to solicit donation of lighting for the tank at the Glancy Rehab Center
Discussion – TOTM awards ordered for the 2010 year; POTM awards – sponsors solicited, if no sponsor volunteers club will be back up and provide gift certificate to a sponsor store; Due to Chris Horne stepping down TOTM needs and a new coordinator and photographer
11.) End of the year Calendar for club members
Motion – A $1500 budget be set for 200 calendars to be printed and given to members at the Holiday party with leftovers to be given out at the January meeting; seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Discussion – Gary Nash, Jenn M., and Micheal Foote to work on quotes for T-shirts, trinkets, etc. for giveaways for members – to be voted on at next BOD meeting
12.) Freshwater Forum on ARC
Motion – 90 Day trial of a Freahwater forum on the ARC; not to appear on the home page, Dave Grim (Acroholic) to moderate/ mentor, will be reviewed at the next BOD meeting; seconded; voted – only dissention by Raj Knight, passed
Ansley (DrNecropolis) to announce as a sticky on the homepage
13.) Coral Sponsorship Program
Discussion – considering sponsorship of a Coral Reef rehab project, more information needed on Reefballs, etc.; Ansley (DrNecropolis) to research levels of sponsorship and costs, etc.; plan vote at next BOD meeting based on Ansley’s research
14.) Regional Frag Swap or Auction
Discussion of the club sponsoring either a regional frag swap or an auction to benefit the club
15.) Club Direction
Discussion of forum moderation
Thank you to Gary Nash for providing the facilities for the BOD meeting
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 pm
Attending: Raj Knight, Simon Kruger, Micheal Foote, Ansley Craton, Christine Horne, Barry Castle, Jenn Myerscough, Dave Grim, Gary Nash
Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm
1.) Minutes from January BOD meeting admitted to the record
2.) Financial Statement reviewed – any questions may be submitted to Simon Kruger
Discussion : Taxes all filed and up to date with the IRS through 2010; Google Ads all set up; Jenn M states that as a sponsor she does not like the Google Ads, while Raj (Skriz) states that as a sponsor he does not mind the adds
3.) MACNA Funds - $5,000 for this years BOD to allocate
Discussion: Formal proposals for the use of the 2010 MACNA funds to be submitted to committee by any ARC member; per BOD decision last year MACNA funds are to be managed separately from the general ARC funds
Motion for Ansley (DrNecropolis) to start a thread for sending the formal proposals to committee – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Motion for BOD to give Power of Attorney to Raj Knight (Skriz) for the purpose of setting up a Trust for dispersal of the MACNA funds with current ARC President, Raj Knight, and CPA as Executors – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
4.) Summer BBQ party
Discussion: Ansley (DrNecropolis) managing – planning for Murphy Chandler Park as in previous years; due to liability issues as in previous years the club will not be providing alcohol, party will be BYOB, club will provide the required police presence in order to obtain an alcohol permit; considering more child friendly food this year
Motion – Budget for the Summer BBQ party to be $3000 – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
5.) Par Meter Policy
Discussion: Much discussion focused how to loan out the par meters, where they would be picked up, who would control each of the par meters, deposit to ensure return of the par meters (up to $200 discussed)
Motion – 1 par meter to be sent in to be repaired / recalibrated with budget of $125 – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Motion was then repealed unanimously
Motion – offer the 2 par meters up (in as is condition) as raffle items and suspend any further rental of par meters – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Discussion of offering the older par meter for raffle at the BBQ possibly, and holding the second newer par meter for raffle at the Holiday party
Motion - Micheal to author a thread notifying the club members of the suspension of the par meter rentals – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
6.) Membership Coordinators
Motion – Jamie Craton (MrsNecropolis) to help Tamara as CoMembership Coordinator with access to member info to help with Paypal, memberships, raffles, etc – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
7.) Sponsor Coordinator
Discussion – Dave Grim (Acroholic) volunteers to be CoSponsor Coordinator to Mufret
Motion – To allow Dave Grim (Acroholic) to approach sponsor stores and solicit donations for the club with a zero cost receipt provided for taking in merchandise for the club – seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Micheal Foote (Amberjack) to send PM’s to sponsor stores informing them that Dave Grim can accept merchandise on behalf of the club
8.) Upcoming Meetings
Discussion – Keith Sirmans (Smoothie) volunteered to help schedule meeting speakers to assist Rob (Lil Robb)
9.) ARC Tank Build
Discussion – Raj Knight (Skriz) to write up article on the tank build; Micheal (Amberjack) to author a thread to solicit donation of lighting for the tank at the Glancy Rehab Center
Discussion – TOTM awards ordered for the 2010 year; POTM awards – sponsors solicited, if no sponsor volunteers club will be back up and provide gift certificate to a sponsor store; Due to Chris Horne stepping down TOTM needs and a new coordinator and photographer
11.) End of the year Calendar for club members
Motion – A $1500 budget be set for 200 calendars to be printed and given to members at the Holiday party with leftovers to be given out at the January meeting; seconded; voted – passed unanimously
Discussion – Gary Nash, Jenn M., and Micheal Foote to work on quotes for T-shirts, trinkets, etc. for giveaways for members – to be voted on at next BOD meeting
12.) Freshwater Forum on ARC
Motion – 90 Day trial of a Freahwater forum on the ARC; not to appear on the home page, Dave Grim (Acroholic) to moderate/ mentor, will be reviewed at the next BOD meeting; seconded; voted – only dissention by Raj Knight, passed
Ansley (DrNecropolis) to announce as a sticky on the homepage
13.) Coral Sponsorship Program
Discussion – considering sponsorship of a Coral Reef rehab project, more information needed on Reefballs, etc.; Ansley (DrNecropolis) to research levels of sponsorship and costs, etc.; plan vote at next BOD meeting based on Ansley’s research
14.) Regional Frag Swap or Auction
Discussion of the club sponsoring either a regional frag swap or an auction to benefit the club
15.) Club Direction
Discussion of forum moderation
Thank you to Gary Nash for providing the facilities for the BOD meeting
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 pm