Mentally Challenged Clownfish


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Well, here's a list of possible hosts for the pair of false percs I have:

- Big Toadstool Leather

- Torch Coral

- Hammer Coral

- Nice size Frogspawn colony

- Decent sized Xenia colony

What do they decide they like and want to hang around?????

1. My Tunze Powerheads

2. My newly acquired Crocea clams

They sleep one above and one below a powerhead. They change sides at random.

And now they have taken a fancy to my new clams. The clams are being very good and docile about it, which is surprising me. It barely flinches when the Clownfish rub up against it. It's only a matter of time before the curious Clownfish wonder where that big hole in the middle of the clam goes to and then WHAM!!!!! Trapped Clownfish.

Anyway, thought they were cute, albeit frustrating and thought you might enjoy my pain.

P.S. Someone really needs to get the Drag and Drop working again. This manual labor is killing me.............;)

P.S.S. I know I need to clean the Tunze and I'm sorry for the crappy pics, I didn't have time to take really nice ones, b/c I was in a race against my actinics turning off. I'll take some better ones when I am not rushed and when the MH's are on too.
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Maybe your clowns are confused by your influx of frags and can't decide what to call home.
LOL!!! When I just had Celcius he took 6months to host........ I hoped for the longest time he would host in the large hammer I got him but no deal. Always hung out around the powerhead... then the overflow box... then the return nozzle.... and finally in GSP of all places. Once I moved everything over to the 156 he(now a she) took the the hammer almost instantly. Now that Fahrenheit got himself a girlfriend instead of the guy on guy fish action he was getting when first introduced, they're both starting to take to the hammer.
I can't wait to see if I can get little Kelvin's swimming around.

PS.. if that tunze is considered dirty... Im really in trouble.
I think I've got you fellas beat..

I've got a BTA, nice sized frogspawn, and several other potential hosts, but what do my clowns choose to host in??

If you guessed the Atlanta Thrashers Hockey Puck that sits in my tank as decoration, then you would be correct.

Bet you guys never thought clowns were such big hockey fans!!! I'm thinking about pulling out the puck until they find a new home-- good idea?
Bring your clownfish over. My maroon will show them what to do!
Yeah that Tunze isnt dirty? My Maroons host in GSP, Maxima Clam, Frogspawn, and the sand. They literally put they're heads in the sand its hilarious!
one of my clowns decided to host on a patch of zooanthis, poor guy those things were stinging the crap out of him, he actually had black marks on his belly where he would lay. Fortunately hes now in both of my toadstools. Funny to watch him decide which one he wants to go in, he'll stare at both and then dart into one and flop on his side. silly fish.