Meteor Shower Changing


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I have had a meteor shower in my tank for about 10 months. Most of the time it has had bright red-orange coralites on a teal base. The base and corallites have expanded but never left the plug. For a while the coralites dominated the plug with most of the area covered in orange. Over the past couple of weeks it appears the base material has overtaken the corallites and is turning a fluorescent lavender color. It actually appears that the base material has swollen, not necessarily that the corallites have retracted. Everything else in the tank is flourishing like I have never seen before and the tank looks to be in great condition (remember I am still wet behind the ears here). It is possible that I have not seen this phase of the meteor shower but I am concerned that it may not be a good sign. Is this normal for a meteor shower?
Pics would help. But as long as it has a color, I wouldn't worry. If it was browning or bleaching I'd be concerned.

You could try moving it to an area of lower lighting, but overall I wouldn't be concerned.
I've had a few sps change colors over time. I'm pretty sure it was due to my leds. Just a thought.
I have bought 2, one was under T5 one under MH. Both were dark blue with red polyps when I got them and turned aqua with orange polyps under my LED
I was hoping someone would chime in and tell me I'm doing something wrong and how to fix it. Oh well I guess Im stuck with Aqua
Coral colours will change depending on all kinds of environmental factors.

If it's alive and growing, that's good. No 2 tanks are exactly alike, so it's not unusual for stuff to change its colour or appearance. Flow can affect how a hard coral takes shape, light can affect colour...

So many variables there aren't many absolutes.
