MH - t5 questions


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I will try not to wander :)

I have a 30 gallon tall that I want to put new lights on. Every tank that I have had has had some kind of flourscent lighting.

I am debating on putting MH on this one. It is in the basement so heat is not a problem. I will probably go with a 150 or 175 retro or pendant for the tank. I could go 250, but that seems like overkill.

My question (no 1 at least) What is the difference between HQI and single ended? (besides one having one end and one having two :) Is there an advantage of one over the other.

I could also go t5's but I thought I might try something different.


I'm not sure what the dimensions on a 30 g "tall" are, but 250w is not overkill if you're interested in sps and clams.
I can add that the HQI's need a UV glass shield between the bulb and the water, tho those usually come with a setup, and the single end ones have that incorporated in the glass, so its not needed. As far as the MH goes you can go with 175 or 250, all depends really on what you'ld like to put in the tank. T-5's are really nice if you dont want to worry about heat issues, plus the cost to run them is cheaper.