MIA: Orange Watchman


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I have no idea where he went. Yesterday I blacked out to see if I could get rid of this algae problem I have. Well I checked up on the tank 3 times yesterday and all 3 fish, and fire shrimp were still there. Well this morning I went to feed them and only the 2 firefish and fire shrimp came out. Orange spotted goby, can't seem to locate. I even moved 3 rocks in which I thought he'd be under. nope didn't see him, or traces. I had towels over the tank to completely block light so I don't think he jumped, not that he ever showed signs of want to jump. He was very active, always up front in the tank waiting for food. I just don't see how a perfectly healthy fish just disappear in a tank. And its a 10g, not like he could go far.

i check the HOB filter to see if maybe he jumped in there, nope, no signs. I liked that fish. very entertaining.

what should I do? it couldn't come at a worse time either, setting up a new tank and stuff. ugh!!!

Thanks for the letting me rant and for the help!
i noticed that when i make changes to my tank, that my sixline wrasse goes into hiding for a couple days, so the only thing you can do is wait it out.
Don't panic yet. My Yellow Watchman disappears once in a while. They are excellent at hiding and seem to show up just when you give up hope. I'm learning my lesson as to wait and be patient. Just make sure your top has a canopy or something covering it or they will </em>jump. As long as he's not on the floor or in the filter, I think he'll be alright. Hope he shows up soon.
agree with annce--point a powerhead up towards the top of the tank; also--I lost my yellow watchman goby for several weeks-to the point I assumed he died so I bought another one-then noticed one day the TWO of them in the same hole-lucky me, huh?
well, I have excellent surface breakage with the poweheads(2) and the power filter. I hope he shows soon. I like having a topless tank. I was so worried that both my firefish would jump, 2.5 months later, they are still at home eating... a lot. Hopefully he'll show by the time the 40 is ready for them.

I have a feeling that he maybe buried in the sand as I have seen him do that only once, but that was after I first got him. I shall wait and see I guess.
I'm sure they will one day but it won't be nothing to bad. plus I like Acroholic's top design and might give it a go when I can learn to do it right
Check the floor. Thats where i found mine last week. They tend to blend in once they dry out for a couple days.
Your funny, he isn't on the floor, scoured the entire floor on my hands and knees. feeling. didn't see him(or feel) but the tank was covered during the time he could of jump so I think he has played a houdini
well, still haven't seen the guy. i don't know where he went or even if he died, kinda sad now. i liked him too, always waiting for me to feed.

guess i am not meant to have one :(

so now he is MIA presumed KIA
Just give it time. I got a tailspot goby yesterday and as soon as I put him in the tank, he went straight into the rocks. He'll turn up in a few days, though. My orange and purple firefish, my 6 line, and my flame angel all did the same thing. The only ones that didn't go into hiding were the clowns...
I've had a watchman go unseen for over a month and pop back up. I hope your goby is still in there and just hiding.

me too, the only bad thing is its only 10g so it shouldn't be to hard to find the guy. hopefully, one day, i'll get this 40 going he'll show up when I am about to move everything over