microbacterium marinum


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Hey folks! Does anyone have any information or know of any resources that may be available for further research on the topic? We have unfortunately had a member of the FW club (AAAA) diagnosed positively with the infection. He had noticed a small infection on his wrist and went to the dermatologist. The results just came back to him yesterday. Any first hand experience with this? Any leads on info to pass along are greatly appreciated.


Looks like it is treatable with antibiotics.
Thanks. With all due respect, it's not as simple as "treatable with antibiotics" and can be fatal which is why I asked for personal experiences and resources beyond those easily found on a Google search. I've been pretty active in the hobby for awhile and now know a grand total of 3 people to be diagnosed with this.

Your post asked for "any information or know of any resources" which is why I posted the link to some good information I found. Sorry if you already found that. Your post made it sound like you couldn't find any information or couldn't find google (common on the boards). Maybe next time instead of asking for ANY information you can be more specific on what you are looking for. I hope your friend recovers quickly.
It's been a couple of years I think,but I remember a thread about a member that had gotten scratched with some liverock and it ended with a ER visit or hospital admission. Let me search for it.
here it is, but i don't think it the same thing. Might be worth it to reach out Jeff (the OP)....


hope your friend starts to feel better!
Len I'm sorry your friend has contracted this. It's horrible from everything I've seen/heard/read and it takes a LONG time and a lot of antibiotic infusions to get rid of it.

I hope your friend recovers.

Saw this and wanted to pass it along


Hope your friend is doing better
Thanks for the well wishes. He is doing well, but had to make some very tough decisions. He euthanized most of his fish, bleached the tanks, and is focusing his efforts on one tank that is special to him. Anyone have any recommendations on a UV for a 120G tank? He's looking for effective and affordable. Bells and whistles aren't really needed.

Sorry Schwaggs... I was frustrated with the lack of info out there and my reply came out wrong.
It's been awhile, but I was wondering about your friends recovery? How long did it take and what is the treatment to recover from microbacterium marinum that his Dr used? I always have my hands in one of the tanks or the koi pond. Hollley
I generally wear armpit length gloves because I tend to get cut up working and trying to eliminate the possibility. I wish anyone that has contacted it the best.