I will keep that in mind. Never had an issue with parasites till now. Might need to start quarantine
Yeah. It's really not a matter of if, but when.
I was thinking I might skip QT with the first introductions to my new tank when I stand it up because there won't be any fish in it. A quick H2O2 dip, short observation, and they should be fine, right? After all, there won't be anything else in the tank except a couple of starter corals.
Problem is, IF any of them do come in with ich, I then have to
either QT the fish anyway and keep the tank empty for up to 72 days before being able to be certain it's all past life-cycle,
or I have to QT the corals and wipe out every invert in the tank by treating it directly, because the cysts or whatever they are can lay dormant that long. Either way kinda sucks
So I'm just gonna QT, probably TTM. Uses more salt and takes more effort than I'd like, but doesn't contaminate my spare tanks with copper until I absolutely have no other choice. Just not worth the risk.