milky water column


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So...does anyone have any thoughts as to why my water column has a cloudy milky look to it after 6 days and 2 20% water changes...everything seems healthy, and all my peramiters are in par. its just really weird. Has anyone ever experienced this before? :sad:
Algae Bloom maybe?

Get a Magnum (ok, some of you saw that coming didn't ya?) The diatom filter will help clear that up.
unfortunately ....seachem reef salt ..I just recently learned about the boron levels so Im planning on switching. and Im using ro/di so I dont think its algee blooms.....theres only two things that Ive done recently ...I added two phosban filled with ferrous oxide at the correct amounts and correct flow and in the other activated carbon. the other thing I have done is uping my calcium supplements as Ive found I dropped pretty low for a while..330..ouch. UIm using seachem calcium advantage one part......
I was just mixing my calcium in fresh water and pouring it in my sump little by little but now ive just got my top off system going so Ive started dosing just my top off water only.
the salt you are using has been none to do that use a filter sock to polish the water
Bacteria bloom? I don't think polishing (filter sock) the water will help. Did the cloudyness occur after adding chems or anything?
actually yeah I think I gave a little too much cal dose, but It was in the sump. a couple of days later , my water started getting cloudy. whats up with bacteria bllom and how does this correlate to the prior?
definetly came from your new additions, I would not add any of that stuff unless you were having probs to begin with.
Not to highjack thread but I am going to ask this question.

I have been using 2 part for about 5 weeks and yesterday when I added part 1 it turned into tiny flakes (like snow) for about 3 hrs. From what leveldrummer said is the balance out of wak? How can I tell? I can test for Ca and have a dip stick for Alk, but it said not to put the Mg in until I have used up the Ca and Alk solutions. Hope this makes sence and sorry again for the highjack.
I would look into a bacterial bloom right away. It occurs in the presense of Ammonia and/or Nitrite. The bacteria that normally consume these grow on the surfaces of your tank. When there's a spike they grow in the water column and reproduce at such a rate that they give the water it's cloudy appearance.

Check NH3 and NO2 right away.
ok guys ....just got up this morn..let me check all my levels and post in a a quick min.
SO...heres everything....

temp = 77-80 (F)
Spec. Grav. = 1.023
PH = 8.2
Nitrite = 0ppm
Nitrate = 0ppm
Amonnia = 0ppm
PO4 = .15mg/L
Magnesium = 1112.5
dkh/kh = 8/143.2
Calcium = 350

Ive been having problems getting my calcium to rise and been working hard to get the phospahates down. I know that a high po4 count will inhibit calcium precipitation, so Ive been working on gettting my Alk up and po4 down so my calcium has the ability to go up. ...............anyway Something Im doing is making my water cloudy. Still frustrated.
I'm suprised you have no NH3 or NO2 and cloudy water. Could it be particulate matter? Did it happen suddenly or is it persistant after the water change?

High PO4 will inhibit a coral from depositing calcium in its skeleton. I don't think PO4 will lower your calcium level, just your coral's ability to use it.
1. Bring your Mg up to 1200-1300.
2. Bring your dKH up to 10.
3. Raise your calcium to 380ppm min.

I would do these steps over 3 days. It can be long and frustrating to get this balance perfect, and it will always need adjusting. How large is your aquarium and how heavily is it stocked with coral? It's much harder to achieve a balance with a smaller tank. You coral may also be consuming your calcium at a very high rate if it appears you can't get the level up.
I could be wrong about calcium and phosphate...

Some quick research yielded that calcium can bond with orhtophosphate, but I don't know if it happens in the aquarium.
yeah...I have a 29gal w/25sump/fuge. only 3 fish, very large clean up crew and compared to most tanks ...a low to low med coral stock. and your right as far as I know about the calcium and po4 common talk...when po4 is high it bonds with the calcium ions quicker making it difficult for them from being used by the corals. thats what holmes says anyway.
I have this problem from time to time after some water changes... turns out to be snail sperm for lack of better wording.

I would raise your mag and see what happens. Also check for microbubbles.
right O ....thanks everyone for being so knowledgeable and helpfull. Im gonna raise my Magnesium at 20meg/l per day for 6 days till I reacha target of 1212.5 and alk at 6meq/l day till I hit 196. Ill keep everyone posted as to the results.