Milli not fuzzy?


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I have two pastel pinkish and purpleish millis that used to be fuzzy (polyps?) and now they aren't. The color and skeleton look OK, just no fuzziness. Is that a bad indicator? I also have two yellowish green millis that are fine complete with fuzz. What do you think?
I have read that polyp extension is not necessarilly an indicator of health. How long have they been closed? I have had milli's stay closed a couple of days then extend there polyps for no apparent reason.
They've been closed for 3-4 weeks, or gradually became less "fuzzy". Is this the beginning of RTN?
well my millies are dying with their fuzzy polyps still open! they look great and then they die. I saw no signs like yours being less fuzzy before the rtn
could be flow, alk, or too high phosphates and or trates. Although it is uncommon, it could also be low nutrients. Do you use gfo? Fuge? How high are your trates? Flow? Tank size? Bioload? Skimmer?
What are your parameters?

Including Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium.

Read up on Sps pests like red bug they can cause polyps to retract.

A blind guess is Alkalinity is to low or red bug but there are to many variables to know for sure.

How do you keep up you alk and calcium?

I went a little overboard with info on the thread linked below but it has a lot of useful info. Scroll down to the bottom of the link."></a>

Hope it helps.

jamescook;202658 wrote: What is GFO?"></a>

Phosphate Export Using Binding Media: Granular Ferric Oxide/Hydroxide

sailfish;202664 wrote: What are your parameters?

Including Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium.

Read up on Sps pests like red bug they can cause polyps to retract.

A blind guess is Alkalinity is to low or red bug but there are to many variables to know for sure.

How do you keep up you alk and calcium?

I went a little overboard with info on the thread linked below but it has a lot of useful info. Scroll down to the bottom of the link."></a>

Hope it helps.


Well after reading your post on SPS, then I probably shouldn't have posted this..nor really keep SPS... My philosophy is "keep it simple" and low tech-maybe it's the girl in me :) (all of the equipment and various parameters are way too complicated). I don't dose anything because I don't test other than salinity. I test occasionally for pH but it rarely changes. I do 25% water changes in my 120gal every two weeks and vacuum out the 40 gal sump of detrius. I have a Octopus 200 skimmer and chaeto in my rubbermaid sump. I have (6) T-5s-wish I had 2 more. I've had this tank for 3 years after upgrading from a 3 year old 55 gal (total of 6 years). That's pretty much it so I can't answer any of your questions above. I better duck and run!

For being low tech, I think that the tank is pretty good if I say so myself. My blue acro, tubs birdnest, green birdnest, yellow millis, staghorn, LPS, and softies are doing great. I wouldn't say that they are growing like weeds (other than my yellow colony polyps and gsp), but they are growing and have pretty good color, I think. Or maybe I'm used to seeing my tank and think it is normal? :confused2: The GSP are my indicator coral. If something is wrong with the tank, they usually let me know quick.

My salinity slipped up too high for the last few weeks to .29. Maybe that played a role in the millis. I got it back down this past weekend. Let's see if the fuzzis come back....

Pretend I never posted this :)
I sorry I should have warned you that it was not personally directed at you or an attack.:blush:

I was a little harsh with some of my words but the information contained could be helpful.

I once was a newbie and was bashed for not testing and over time found for me and what I wanted to achieve I need to start.

There are many ways to keep a successful reef tank and I doubt many people do it like I do. I am a little OCD with my tank b/c i have spent alot of my time and money on the tank and am not willing to risk it.

I know people who have not tested there tank in a year and you could not tell by looking at it.

I do hope some of the info was helpful.:D One of the reason I wrote it was b/c I wish I could have found all that info in one place when I first switched to sps. Good luck

Your fuge, skimmer, and husbandry practices are most likely taking care of your nutrients (but we really don't know if it's enough, since u dont test), however, if you just add 1 thing to take care of your alk, ph, calcium, and mag. A calcium reactor, kalkwasser, or a 2 part additive with insure that your sps' have enough calcium to grow in a stable, reef chemistry. It's really not that tech. I'll be glad to help ya if ya want, or many other members would, too. At some point alk & calcium will dip, and you'll lose them all.