Minimizing New Tank Uglies


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Looking for suggestions on how to reduce the startup agae blooms etc.
Currently there are no lights over the tank but once I put them to prepare for corals, we all know the green monster that's going to come visit me.

Would carbon dosing help a bunch? Run ROX carbon? Fleet of tangs? anyone have suggestions that's worked for them?
If i have to try and siphon algae off 800 pounds of rock i might as well just go play russian roulette now.
If it's GHA you're fighting, manual removal and a seahare are your best bet. It will run its course and sometimes there's not a lot you can do. It seemed like mine dissapeared overnight one day.
Yea that sounds like it would be a nightmare. Im hoping that carbon dosing does the trick for my setup. My understanding is that the bacteria will out compete algae for nutrients. Then the protein skimmer removes the excess bacteria.
if its a new tank have patience.
you're GOING to get algae outbreaks..
sure you want to minimize them, but there is no quick fix.
What I did to keep it to a minimum is not run the light more than 5 or 6 hours a day and not all of them. Blues were off as well. Until you have corals you won't need them on anyway. When I got corals I only ran the lights over them longer.

I'm just about to the 4 month mark now and other than the sump I've only had a couple very small patches of GHA in the display. Those didn't show up until the T5's were running for 4 hours at mid day. My Kole Tang seems to be knocking them down.

Like everyone has said, it's going to happen. Just try to plan your cuc and fish so you're prepared and it should be minimal.
ok thanks. that's why i haven't put any lighting over it yet, afraid of what will happen. I'll work on my tang army for now and get a bunch through qt.