Miracle Mud

grouper;1048633 wrote: Anyone using miracle mud? If so, have you seen any benifits from using it?

i used it in my 220 back in the day. i saw no difference using it than a remote dsb.

IMO the only miracle is that people are foolish enough to spend big money on mud.


It has to be replaced every couple or three years if you go that route.

IMO there are more economical methods that are equally effective, if not more so.

Miracle Mud is garbage plain and simple. Proven to be a nothing what the label or the creators claim it to be.
JennM;1048645 wrote: IMO the only miracle is that people are foolish enough to spend big money on mud.


It has to be replaced every couple or three years if you go that route.

IMO there are more economical methods that are equally effective, if not more so.


DawgFace;1048650 wrote: Miracle Mud is garbage plain and simple. Proven to be a nothing what the label or the creators claim it to be.

I'm not too proud to admit I used it, still sitting in my remote deep sand bed.

No miracles have been bestowed upon my tank. Wouldn't do it again.
grouper;1048633 wrote: Anyone using miracle mud? If so, have you seen any benifits from using it?

did your time away from me really make you that "blanking" stupid?
My first sump/refugium setup was a 29 gallon and I used MM. To me its really hard to gauge the miracle part. I upgraded to a 50 gallon sump/refugium and currently I'm using the Caribsea Mineral Mud in my fuge. Can't say I've really seen a big difference. There are just way to many other factors to contribute sole success/failure to just the mud.
It should only be used in conjuction with the magical undertow of vortech power heads. Most effective under cheap Chinese leds.
Genesis;1048833 wrote: My first sump/refugium setup was a 29 gallon and I used MM. To me its really hard to gauge the miracle part. I upgraded to a 50 gallon sump/refugium and currently I'm using the Caribsea Mineral Mud in my fuge. Can't say I've really seen a big difference. There are just way to many other factors to contribute sole success/failure to just the mud.

This stuff is flat hocus pocus.

Here's a link of an elemental analysis into the composition claims of Ecosystems Mircle Mud http://www.reefs.org/library/testing/miraclemud">http://www.reefs.org/library/testing/miraclemud</a>.

Conclusion for those that don't want to read the the findings

The last sentence represents what a true fraud this product is. Sanjay should be ashamed!

"The analysis indicates that Miracle Mud is 30% silicon. This mostly likely exists in Miracle Mud as silicon dioxide, which is most commonly found in nature as quartz. As pointed out by chemist Randy Holmes-Farley, the molecular weight of silicon makes up less than half the molecular weight of silicon dioxide. So if the silicon present is all in the form of silicon dioxide, then Miracle Mud is more than 63% quartz sand. This seems to be confirmed by the photos.

The high levels of metals (especially Aluminum, Iron and Titanium) are also a point of concern.

In addition, no traces of any marine sediment were found in any microscopic examination - no oolitic sand grains, no shell fragments, no diatoms or any other remnants of marine life. An acid test conducted by Shane Graber indicates that no carbonates are present in Miracle Mud. It is difficult to reconcile these facts with the manufacturer's claim that "Miracle Mud is 80% oceanic mud."[/QUOTE]
DawgFace;1049012 wrote: This stuff is flat hocus pocus.

Here's a link of an elemental analysis into the composition claims of Ecosystems Mircle Mud http://www.reefs.org/library/testing/miraclemud">http://www.reefs.org/library/testing/miraclemud</a>.

Conclusion for those that don't want to read the the findings

The last sentence represents what a true fraud this product is. Sanjay should be ashamed!


Why, did/does Sanjay promote this stuff?
I used it and it was a bit messy when you moved stuff around.
I may be just imagining it, but I believe I didn't have to dose
As much. It may just be wishful thinking though. Not withstanding,
It may not be worth the mess and extra expense. I switched back to the
DSB. I'd do it if it was free though &#55357;&#56838;
Skriz;1049018 wrote: Why, did/does Sanjay promote this stuff?

Investor for sure but possible part owner, can't remember exactly. Additionally a huge promoter in multiple "studies" conducted by him in which he attempted to convince the research to be above board and unbiased. While continuing to omit his conflict of interest with the product itself.

Even before that however his research was garbage anyhow. Consisted primarily with a blog, pictures and updates. Virtually no way other than take his word to verify variables.

I think all of those studies and blogs are still active on some level. I remember watching and reading some recently.
DawgFace;1049039 wrote: Investor for sure but possible part owner, can't remember exactly. Additionally a huge promoter in multiple "studies" conducted by him in which he attempted to convince the research to be above board and unbiased. While continuing to omit his conflict of interest with the product itself.

Even before that however his research was garbage anyhow. Consisted primarily with a blog, pictures and updates. Virtually no way other than take his word to verify variables.

I think all of those studies and blogs are still active on some level. I remember watching and reading some recently.

Hmm, I don't read the blogs or other forums, so I haven't seen that. From what I know, Leng is the sole owner. He's brought on people from time to time to run or promote, but it wasn't Sanjay (not that he'd have the time or be willing to give up his cushy university position anyway).

I'll ask him, thoigh and find out for sure.
Skriz;1049065 wrote: Hmm, I don't read the blogs or other forums, so I haven't seen that. From what I know, Leng is the sole owner. He's brought on people from time to time to run or promote, but it wasn't Sanjay (not that he'd have the time or be willing to give up his cushy university position anyway).

I'll ask him, thoigh and find out for sure.

Ugh, now I feel like a ****. I completely could have mixed the two up...
DawgFace;1049076 wrote: Ugh, now I feel like a ****. I completely could have mixed the two up...

Lol! I'm sure Sanjay will appreciate being confused for Leng!

But, yeah, if you're talking about Leng blogging and talking about the benefits of miracle mud, then it all makes sense.

As far as a refugium substrate, it's just fine. It's not magical like it claims to be, but it does work in refugium. But, so does sand. The mud also works well in planted tanks, although it's not marketed towards that (why, I don't know).

Looking at the claims, there are some truths: pods are good. However, mud hasn't been shown to increase pod populations over any other substrate. A refugium alone will accomplish that. The claims that you never have to feed your fish are utter equine fecal matter. Sure, fish will feed on pods and algaes, but that alone in a closed system isn't enough. If you have a large enough tank and few enough fish, they can possibly survive, but our aim ought to be for them to thrive.