Missing Clownfish


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Roswell GA
Hey all, this may be a silly question but I recently introduced a pair of ORA clownfish, they are about 2 inches. The tank is a 150 with lots of rocks. Only other stocking is hermits, yellow watchman and tiger pistol. I woke up this morning to find one of the clownfish swimming by himself after the two of them being insperable. Water parameters are all good. I've looked in the sump and overflow which is external and can't find it. I did notice they were hanging out by the overflow last night which is why I was worried but I don't think hes down there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Pictures of setup would help us identify any other areas he may be. Do you run socks? Did you check them?
Yeah I've check the sump which is a trickle so impossible that it's in there, flow is unchanged so I don't think it's in the pipes. Nothing on the ground near the tank either. Only think I could think would be it's hiding or dead in all the rockwork. I just fed and it didn't come out however.
Yeah I've check the sump which is a trickle so impossible that it's in there, flow is unchanged so I don't think it's in the pipes. Nothing on the ground near the tank either. Only think I could think would be it's hiding or dead in all the rockwork. I just fed and it didn't come out however.
How long ago did you introduce it into the tank?
4 days ago. The other clown is just swimming along, acting normal. Looks fine, just by himself.
I doubt they were mated. I just got them and they were pretty small. I'm also unsure wether the missing one is the male or female or if they have established that yet.
It's also 2 and a half in tubing so I doubt he's stuck in there. I guess I'm just gonna have to search in the tank and hope for the best.
Clowns can be surprising. I helped move a 265 gallon a while back that was empty for two months. Big missing clown was alive and well in about 4 inches of water in the overflow.
Unfortunately no. I moved a bunch of the rocks around, looked all over the floor and cabinet, all through the sump and no sign. At this point I would just be happy to find a dead body so I can get it out of the tank and clean it up and try to figure out how it died so I don't make the same mistake. I'm stumped.