OK, I'm new to the hobby and have had my 150gal up and running for just about two weeks now. The guy I bought the rock from pretty much threw in his existing 6 fish. They all seemed well. On Wednesday, I added a couple of engineer gobies, a serpent star, and various other cuc members.
This morning, I just noticed that one of my dottybacks is nowhere to be found. Since I've not been able to directly feed the serpent star, I'm wondering if he took matters into his own hands/tentacles.
If no one things that's likely to be the case, any other suggestions? If he's died and is trapped somewhere, how will I know? I'm going to test the water, and do a change this weekend, but won't it continue to be an issue until the carcass is comletely gone.
This morning, I just noticed that one of my dottybacks is nowhere to be found. Since I've not been able to directly feed the serpent star, I'm wondering if he took matters into his own hands/tentacles.
If no one things that's likely to be the case, any other suggestions? If he's died and is trapped somewhere, how will I know? I'm going to test the water, and do a change this weekend, but won't it continue to be an issue until the carcass is comletely gone.