Missing Fish?


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OK, I'm new to the hobby and have had my 150gal up and running for just about two weeks now. The guy I bought the rock from pretty much threw in his existing 6 fish. They all seemed well. On Wednesday, I added a couple of engineer gobies, a serpent star, and various other cuc members.

This morning, I just noticed that one of my dottybacks is nowhere to be found. Since I've not been able to directly feed the serpent star, I'm wondering if he took matters into his own hands/tentacles.

If no one things that's likely to be the case, any other suggestions? If he's died and is trapped somewhere, how will I know? I'm going to test the water, and do a change this weekend, but won't it continue to be an issue until the carcass is comletely gone.

I used to house a green brittle star in my reef and he became very predatory ate a couple small fish and shrimp. Needless to say he now lives with my eel. Not sure about the serpents being as aggressive as mine was, but if he did'nt eat him he will clean up the remains if its dead under a rock.

sometimes fish just disappear... magic man now you see'em now ya dont :P
First off, welcome to the hobby! I've only been in it about 2 years but this club has made it so much easier and enjoyable.

I've had fish vanish and show up a few weeks later. Small fish disapear easily in a 150. Keep in mind, they are in there because it's their habitat as they know it, not to swim in the front of the glass and make us smile. So could just be hiding. Might have gotten eaten either before or after death. I wouldn't think he got trapped though, so it's not worth ripping things apart.

If you're tank has only been up 2 weeks you'll want to wait a little bit before adding more livestock to allow the cycle to complete it's first go around. It's a great hobby, fun, and requires patience. Good luck!
Thanks for the info. Actually, he magically appeared this afternoon. I thought that I'd arranged the rock in such a way to see all potential hiding spaces, but I was clearly wrong. I knew that little guy seemed too tough to be caught by the star.