mixed saltwater ok?


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Soooo....I made a miscalculation mixing some new saltwater and adding Mg to it and ended up with about 15 extra gallons. Since I only need to do a 5 gallon water change each week, will the extra mixed water be OK if its stored in the buckets I used for the next 3 weeks or so? The buckets are from Home Depot and are only used to mix water...I think I'll be fine but wanted to double check, will the buckets leach anything during this time?
What kind of salt? You may get some sediment depending on what kind of salt you're using. Other than that, i would say you're fine.
Keep a powerhead going to circulate the water. Declanisadog said, loose their alk levels so check it before using.
yea, what Mr. Murray said. I would be more concerned about PH/ALK than the plastic leaching
Declanisadog;947607 wrote: What kind of salt? You may get some sediment depending on what kind of salt you're using. Other than that, i would say you're fine.

E.S.V salt...
Declanisadog;947611 wrote: yea, what Mr. Murray said. I would be more concerned about PH/ALK than the plastic leaching

Agreed, before I use it I would aerate the water for a few hours to prevent any irregularities.
I've always thought that once saltwater sits stagnant for a while it's not good anymore
Check this out, first response is from the man himself RHF
dball711;947629 wrote: Why not do a larger water change?

its only a 30 gallon cube and really there is no need for me to do so since all my parameters are where I want them.
I've been storing water in five gallon buckets for a while with no problems that I have noticed. I do not have a proper mixing station so I hook up the RO/DI to my kitchen sink, get as much as I can before the wife puts an end to it, then make what I need. I usually change 10-15% of my 90 gallon tank at a time and often have some left over.

Yesterday I set up a 32 gallon Brute to start doing large mixes to make my life easier, I'm glad I read that thread because I started to panic when I saw this comment.

FWIW, I've never kept constant flow going with the mixed water, but it has always been a bucket or two left over and I would remix and check salinity before using. I use Tropic Marin Pro.
JDavid;947621 wrote: I've always thought that once saltwater sits stagnant for a while it's not good anymore

I have my mixing pump set on a cheap mechanical timer. The pump is in for 3 hours then off for 3hr. So my salt is never stagnant for long.

I also mix all 30 gallons at a time. So I am good for 3 wc's