Mixing shrimp question


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Sandy Springs
I have a 75 gallon with lots of rock and hiding spots.
I also have a pepermint and cleaner shrimp now.
Can anyone foresee a problem if I add a fire shrimp in as well?

I heard that they may bully others...
I have a fire shrimp for over a year. I've also got 2 skunks in the tank. Never had a problem in my 90. I would recommend the skinks over fire as you will never see it. They are very nice looking but they hide in the rocks big time. Skunks are always out and about. Your call
I have 2 cleaner, 1fire, 1 tiger pistol, and 1coral banded shrimp. They are all in a 120 and I have never had any problems.
I wouldn't mix them in a nano, but in a 75 there's lots of territory for all.

Fire Shrimp do tend to be shy, but they're a striking dash of colour in any tank.

They are beautiful shrimp that's for sure. I remember when I first got mine the next morning I found a molt in my power head and thought it had gotten chopped up. Now Im still finding them every 30 days or so. The polys will eat the molts if they can get it, pretty cool to watch