Mixxing Dwarf Angels


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Is there a "best" way to mix the two? I have been planning on keeping a Coral Beauty and Eibli and was wondering if the two can be made compatable. Im thinking if I add them togeather after cycling the tank and keep them as the only 2 fish for about a week or 2, maybe cause they will have a large amount of room they can learn to get along.
I have a Cherub Pygmy Angel and a Coral Beauty Angel in my 160 and they get along fine. It works for me...but I also have 4 different types of Clowns in the 160 too....go figure!
i havent had a problem i have a coral beauty and a lemon peal but i also have a big tank. they always hang out togeather and both look good.
Let us know how it goes for you. I've been lusting after a cherub angel, but I already have a flame that the partner loves.
I just bought the Eibli Angelfish today from optimum, hes awsome! I hear they get sick easily though so ill try my best to keep this guy up.
I have a coral beauty and a flame angel in my 90g. The coral beauty is very docile and minds its own. Never causes issues or chases anyone. The flame on the other hand is a holy terror. It chases everyone doesn't matter how big or where they are in the tank. The coral beauty would probably best to be added first then the Eibli.
I tried a Coral Beauty and a Flame once. As soon as I introduced the Coral Beauty, they were after each other in a death match. I would try sticking them together in a QT tank so you can separate them if they start to fight.
I have had a Lemon and Flame Angel together for about 2 years now in my 120. When I introduced the Lemon, i put him in a small (~1g) plastic "critter cage" that they sell at pet stores to see if there was any aggression. After a few hours without issue, I let the Lemon out and have never seen any problems. The Lemon is slightly bigger than the Flame and that may have helped because by introducing the larger fish last, I may have allowed the smaller fish to establish a territory and acclimate without the added stress of another angel.

The critter cage is now filled with rubble in my sump and crawling with pods.

Good luck.
had a flame angel and a coral beauty that were fine for a while. The coral beauty jumped and died. Replaced a few days later with another coral....the flame just beat the crap out of the poor guy till i moved him.