Modifying Protein Skimmer


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Hello everyone, I am new to the site. I am also new to SW. I have had my tank up since Oct last year. Its a 52gal tank. I have about 40lbs live rock, a couple of damsels, Kole tang, bi-color blenny and a maroon nesting in a BTA, and of course some snails to do the dirty work. I also have a bubble tip coral, a few mushrooms, and starburst polyps. Im running a T-5 light that unfortunately has a single reflector contured to each light. I guess I didnt do enough research before purchasing it :( Now I am paying for it being limited to the type of corals I can support. I also run a canister that houses charcole and phos-guard, and no filter pad (too much maintance). The phos-guard is my temporary answer to the algea. I can not seem limit the algea growth as I am assuming it is due to a fairly new set-up.

My main concern is my protein skimmer. It is an instant ocean 150 HOB. It does not seem to make much skimmate. Is there anyway to modify it to remove more waste out of my water? When I first set it up, it pulled a lot of waste out. I did reduce my feedings to 2 times every 3 days in less proportions. I am not running a sump so I could not purchase an octopus or any of the higher quality skimmers. So modifying mine is the best thing I can think of.

All my water parameters are good except for nitrates, around 10-20. I do a 5gal WC every week and top off with RO/DI through out the week. Thanks for any advice.
THere are some modifications available, but they're not going to produce the results you want.

You're better off replacing that skimmer with a better unit. Take a look around the forums for deals on used skimmers; there's usually quite a few available. Otherwise, take a look at our sponsors.
Could it be a possiblity that my water is healthy for the most part and that I am not over feeding or over stocked? Or should there always be a lot of waste in the water? Sorry for the newbie questions.
LegalReefer;303368 wrote: Could it be a possiblity that my water is healthy for the most part and that I am not over feeding or over stocked? Or should there always be a lot of waste in the water? Sorry for the newbie questions.

The only way you're not going to have waste in the water is if you perform massive water changes or skim heavily. You do neither, so odds are you're water isn't "clean".
I had a good feeling that I needs to be replaced. But I think I have a good home for it on another small tank. Is there a classifieds section on this site? I looked but I didnt see one. I assumed it was hidden until I reached so many post.
Found the classified, and forgive my spelling! "I needs to be replaced" I meant "it needs to be replaced"!
Not all protein skimmers that arent HOB have to be in the sump. I dont mind having to use and overflow box and a return pump, I just want to keep cost as minimum as possible. I am trying to find what my options are. I am looking at Octopus skimmers. Everyone who uses them love them.
I have a glass guy that is super cheap local to me. I bet I can get 5 pieces cut for less than $30, and then baffles on top of that. But I am really unsure of the advantages of sumps. I am not going to run a refugium, so what would the benefits be? Thanks!
I cannot fit anything between the cabinet doors. I might be able to squeeze my spare 10g in there. How do you do water changes in the sump? I have an easy/awesome set up for water changes.