Monopoly? Fair market?


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I’ll leave this here..
I follow Coralvue and and even not knowing David personally I believe he promote the business they are doing professionally, and also knowing how Neptune with his owner has actively increased and developed his controller and the wide range of modules available over the years, I believe the competition and the trade has to be fair. Let the costumer decide, choose, etc.
Interesting article, but their "investigation" is inconclusive. If CoralVue seriously suspect foul play, then they should file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Competition. Otherwise, I doubt anything will come of this and it is unfortunate. Companies do this all the time in America. It's not uncommon for manufacturers to offer retailers deals for exclusively carrying their products. The legality, and take this case as an example, is questionable. Maybe we'll one day get an administration/congress that actually follows and honors antitrust law.
The article makes a lot of "claims" without really backing anything up. There are several discussions going on various forums where the owners of some of the major online retailers have come out and said CoralVue is the one that told them to take the listings down and not the other way around. Seems like there's more to the story.
So true or lie there’s obviously more of this. I agree that the article doesn’t back up their claim by proof, at certain point, screenshots maybe proof of that, or a proof for the real costumer would be trying to get their (Coralvue) controller and obviously the retailers will not have it (trying to comply with Neptune sales criteria)
I agree on legislation on this.
Now, I’ve got this from the Official Neptune group, which the thread has been deleted for obvious reasons, it’s not reasonable for them to be discussing about a controller that’s not theirs and talking about a business conspiracy with their product, on their official site lol!
Terence (owner) has been worked tremendously for their market, I started working with the Neptune III and so far everything has been improved, updated, and it looks more prominent year by year, it’s almost an obligation, but before everything is shining with them, costumer has to see competition too, it drives prices down also.
I can see this type of business practices every single day, everywhere, another sample: just check on what’s coming for a Covid vaccine.
This is a capitalistic society. Not saying I agree with it but typically the first to the game isn’t the best but will fight for market dominance. Look at something like ford vs Tesla. The new guys are going to innovate and improve while the old guy will go with what they know to work, while trying to tweak to appeal to the newer guys audience. But best believe ford will fight like hell if a Tesla dealership wanted to open next door. Same principle as far as I can tell. I’m an apex user. I swear by it. But there’s a lot about them that can be improved. And I’d love to see those improvements. Hell, I’d run both on a system to just have double peace of mind.
Jason and the Premium Aquatics team are going to carry the whole line. You can put yourself on the wait list and be notified when everything is ready to ship. These guys are great and shipping times are always great.