moorish idols


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anyone have any luck with them, i have 3 tanks and was going to keep 4 of them togeather? water quality is perfect in the big tank, total system volume is close to 300 gallons, the other fish are fine on compatibility
In my personal opinion, I will always advise against attempting to keep these fish until their natural diet (sponges, tunicates, etc.) is able to be provided in substantial quantities in a captive environment. Yes, there are a <u>few</u> cases where Moorish Idols have been able to survive for a longer period of time in captivity than expected - due to an adaptation to more common foods - but such anomalies are so rare that I do not see the point in gambling with the animals' lives. Again, this is just my humble viewpoint, though.
Along with Kayla's comments, keeping and maintaining multiples of these fish would be increasingly difficult.
it is very rare that anyone can even keep a single specimine in their tank. It is better fi they are left in the wild to thrive
Kayla, Tony and Kevin I totally agree. If you like the style of fish so much try WimpleFish (sp. Heniochus acuminatus) they are similar looking and far easier to keep.
Agree with everyone. Getting one that ats good is a very difficult challange, finding 4 will be next to impossible.
There's a member on RC who has kept a Moorish Idol for a considerable time in his 125.

But his tank has been running for <u>35 years</u> .

He has some interesting posts about supplementing its feed with a paste that contains bananas and plaster of Paris.

Amazing reef keeper!!