Moral Dilemma


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So, I have multiple fish and corals, and am always trying to balance the needs of all my specimens.

For instance, my Bird's Nest seems to love, and I mean LOVE, my Koralia wavemaker. So do all the other corals. My Mandarin Dragonet, though, seems to become neurotic when the wave maker is on and doing its click clicking. He goes from his normal hunt and peck feeding, to throwing himself against the glass trying to get out. The leopard puffer and cardinal seem oblivious.

So the question becomes, what to do? I can't bring myself to keep an obviously unhappy fish in a glass box.

The answer in this hobby (obsession?) seems to usually be, spend money! So is there a better option for creating turbulence in my tank, that won't drive my fish insane?


Honestly i tried the koralia wave maker and sitting in my recliner hearing the click- click -click noise ran my crazy in a few minutes so i took it out and sold the unit so i can understand how your fish is feeling I bought 2 jebao rw8 wave makers for my 125 and im very satisfied with them...i hope this helps
The tank in question is in the lobby of my shop, so the noise is immaterial to me.

I tried turning both power heads on instead of alternating, and increased the interval from 5 seconds to 30, and the fish seem a little less pissed off.

I'm going to try plugging the wave maker in to my light timer, so it's not on at night.
Kind of a side question.. by "leopard puffer" to you mean "Canthigaster leoparda" or the freshwater/brackish/marine "green spotted puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis)"?

I ask because I have a green spotted puffer that I've slowly acclimated to marine and I'm wondering if he'd be fine in my reef tank with SPS.
I used to have 2 6" gsp, had corals with them for only a day before I found out first hand that they would become snacks
I got him from Simon, he was sold as a "leopard puffer" and I'm pretty sure he is a GSP. He is very active, eats voraciously, and doesn't mess with much of anything, so far. I keep my SG at 1.025ish.

He is small, but I'm pretty sure he will eat my hermits and cleaner shrimp when he gets bigger. I plan on putting him in my Dad's 120gal tank before that happens.