Morgan's First Saltwater Tank


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I'm not new to fish tanks I keep a 75, 55 and 29 gal. with African cichlids. But this is my first try at saltwater. I got a 120 with dual overflows off craigslist for $300. It came with a stand, UV sterilizer, R/O fitler, sump box and pump. Also came with a homemade metal halide and t12 fixture that I'm selling on craigslist"></a> I spent another $100 on lids and light. I spent less than $60 putting together a new filter. Then about $140 on live rock. So I'm about $600 into this. I get stuff cheap off craigslist and I work at a petland dunwoody so I get discounts.

But here is my tank so far. I have about 100lbs of live rock and a few damsels. I'm running a homemade filter with a QuietOne 4000 pump and a Cascade 1000 canister filter. No protein skimmer or UV sterilizer yet. I'm open to any advice and thanks to panzermensch for the live rock.
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first, why are you dropping the metal halide. That fixture will never support corals.
I wasn't planning on doing any corals. I've always liked the non reef safe fish the best. Also the halide/t12 fixture is ugly and was designed to be hung from the ceiling. My ceilings are very high. I'm hoping someone might want the light for parts

gotcha, reef fourm. I just assumed. :)
what are you running in the canister filter?
Its rated for aquariums up to 100 gallons. The media is sponges, bio rings, quarts balls, and felt pads. The felt pads I replace every month. With African cichlids you sort of cram the fish in so to me overfiltration is normal.
well the canister pumps only 265 gph but he the QuietOne 400 does 1,017 gph. Thats 1,282 total. I think thats pretty good, do you think I need more? I do have plenty of hang on back filters I could throw on once I have more fish.

I have a separate question for anyone. Is a protein skimmer really necessary for a non reef tank right away or can it wait a few months?
I totally missed the part where it said home made filter.. That's a duh moment on my part..

I would look into getting a good sump/fuge bought or built.. Worth their weight in gold..
@ amberjack thanks

@ DrNecropolis I can see how a nice box would work better than my homemade double rubbermaid filter. I have one rubbermaid with holes in the bottom full of sponge and bioballs that trickles down into a larger rubbermaid sump. I did it because it was fast and cheap. I will replace it eventually

Anyone know if I really need a protein skimmer for a fish only tank?
No worries with a rubbermade sump.. They work just fine..

Skimmer for a FOWLR... Look into a Reef Octopus.. They work great and are really good on price! Works great and won't break the bank..
By all means yes. Many non reef safe fish are meat eaters and get larger so they potty more than most smaller reef safe fish. Tangs are also big poopers FWIW.:D Dont skimp on a cheap skimmer, you will do much better getting a decent one.
DrNecropolis;540157 wrote: No worries with a rubbermade sump.. They work just fine..

Skimmer for a FOWLR... Look into a Reef Octopus.. They work great and are really good on price! Works great and won't break the bank..

+1 on the octopus skimmer. Great bang for the buck.
Mug;539798 wrote: Also came with a homemade metal halide and t12 fixture that I'm selling on craigslist"></a> [/QUOTE]

reading your description..are you planning on selling it, maybe you should reword that..:thumbs:
Looks like you might have some room behind the tank. I would consider painting the back if you're going to have hang on backs, and/or canister hoses there. If you have less room than it looks like you're early enough to drain out a good amount of your water to move the tank out for such a task. Just a thought...
thanks for the advice on the protein skimmer. I will look into the Reef Octopus. I have the room in my sump.

@ texhorns98 I don't don't know why but, I don't do backgrounds on any of my tanks, never have never will.

@ myVWrock yes I'm selling the light and thanks for bringing it up. Just click on the link and contact me through e-mail."></a>

@ Smoothie There are really 4 types of fish that I have always wanted and I sort of set up the tank for them: hawkfish, wrasses, puffers, and triggers. I'm not sure what I'll end up getting exactly. But I like the flame hawk, spotted sharpnose puffer and niger trigger. I like a lot of the wrasses. And my roommate really wants a clownfish w/ anemone. (I'm a little worried about the niger trigger so if I get one it will be the last addition)
Mug;540491 wrote: thanks for the advice on the protein skimmer. I will look into the Reef Octopus. I have the room in my sump.

@ texhorns98 I don't don't know why but, I don't do backgrounds on any of my tanks, never have never will.

@ myVWrock yes I'm selling the light and thanks for bringing it up. Just click on the link and contact me through e-mail."></a>

@ Smoothie There are really 4 types of fish that I have always wanted and I sort of set up the tank for them: hawkfish, wrasses, puffers, and triggers. I'm not sure what I'll end up getting exactly. But I like the flame hawk, spotted sharpnose puffer and niger trigger. I like a lot of the wrasses. And my roommate really wants a clownfish w/ anemone. (I'm a little worried about the niger trigger so if I get one it will be the last addition)[/QUOTE]

not what i meant , i think you will sell it faster if you re-word the add
Oh, OK. How should I word the add?

Also does anyone know if I need an air pump (bubbler) for my tank?
man a 120 is my dream tank, fyi i had a fish like you have, they were really aggresive but that may have been just my fish, Looks good so far
I'm looking at the Coralife Super Skimmer 125 for $75. Anyone use this type of skimmer?