Motorized canopy lift done! - Video


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I got my motorized canopy lift assembled (correctly) this weekend. I promised I would shoot some pictures of this thing in action when I finished it. It works quite well and automatically stops at the top limit and the bottom limit. The lift makes it real easy to get in the tank for maintenance or to get to the lights to change bulbs, etc.

:photo:">[B]Canopy Lift Video[/B]</a> (3.55MB w/sound) :photo:

Now I can actually work on the tank and finish the closed loop, move fish and corals from my other tanks... :yay:
About $224? Maybe more (like in my case) if you go through two different designs and have to redo your closed loop to get it installed. :doh:

I think it is
Awesome!!! And... Perfectly synced with the soundtrack!!!
One question, does the soundtrack play live when you operate it? lol

Don't forget, I still have that frag for ya when ya can make it over to check my PAR!!!
Looks good, man! I'm glad your were able to get away with one actuator and two compression springs. With my design, the only way I could push it up and pull it back down was with two actuators, and because they all run at slightly different speeds, I had to wire in a limit switch so that when they come back down, the canopy stays even. Major pain in the arse but it works now, and it works GREAT!

Sammy has the 150lb actuator and I bet it's pretty quiet. I have the 400lb models and for some reason, one is very quiet and one is very loud and annoying. My son covers his ears when it goes up!
Sammy, that's a class act! V-e-r-y nice </em>canopy system and video too! Great music selection too! :D

chicagoman_35;44618 wrote: Awesome!!! And... Perfectly synced with the soundtrack!!!
One question, does the soundtrack play live when you operate it? lol

You know...I do have a stereo nearby. Hook the lift power supply up to a relay to start the stero playing the Zarathustra theme when I flip the switch. :lol2:
caesar;44619 wrote: is it loud... I couldnt tell with the music and all.

It does make some noise. Kinda sounds like a muted electric can opener. Not too bad though.
flyingarmy;44669 wrote: Nice gizmo...why do you have it lifting it up so high?

I guess I really could have got away the the shorter 18" lift but the 24" was the same price. It is lifting the canopy 2 feet off of the tank which I don't realy need to do all the time but gives me plenty of room to work without bumping the canopy.
Thanks to all for the compliments. The video was a lot more fun to make than putting this canopy lift together.

As jessezm said it was major pain in the rump to get it assembled and working but I love it now that it is finished. Now I know how Dr. Frankenstein felt... "It's Alive!"
Very cool Sammy.... does it have the ability to open in increments? It would be nice to be able to changes bulbs with the canopy in place but 2ft higher might make it difficult to reach comfortably.
I think sammy has his on a rocker switch with an up, down, and stop position, which would be a yes. I splurged for the outrageously expensive controller with up/down buttons, which allows pretty much the same thing.
tsciarini;44709 wrote: Very cool Sammy.... does it have the ability to open in increments? It would be nice to be able to changes bulbs with the canopy in place but 2ft higher might make it difficult to reach comfortably.

jessezm is right. I have a rocker switch and can lift it up a few inches for simply feeding the fish or up higher for placing corals or maintenance. The motor can be stopped (and hold position) at any point on the travel path.
A few have requested some other pictures showing the motor and slides. Here are two other pictures of the mechanics:

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Wow, Sammy, so you actually pulled it off without the compression springs, then? Looks like a nice clean build. Here are a few shots of how I did mine (not to hijack your thread or anything...) This was before I added the second actuator to the left side of the tank. I used the same heavy duty rail slides as you, but based on what you told me about the back and forth play once they were extended, I tried to reinforce them as much as possible.
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jessezm - I tried to get a load balance of the canopy within about a 16th of an inch. Having the lift motor in the center of the weight made things work well (note that I ditched my closed loop setup to get this working). I would still like to add a gas spring to help smooth things out and add some support on the down travel.

Being able to lift the entire canopy off and up for whatever I need to do in the tank is a huge benfit. I took the time yesterday to clean all the glass in the tank including the back wall and the aquarium looks great (I even got a "gosh honey" from my wife).

Jesse your setup is stout. The 2x4's on your slide rails seem to be rock solid and will probably last as long as (or longer than) your house! :shades: