Moved my tank 2 feet! w00t


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Well, in preparation for setting up the frag tank I had to move my display tank two feet to the right. 3 hours later, it's finally done. My back kinda hurts... doh.
shoulda posted for some help, youre in my area I would have come over. Oh well, hope it all works out for ya.
HOw did you do it with all the stuff in it? I want to move mine out from the:fish: wall only about 2 inches but I am chicken to do it with 100 lbs of rock, 100 lbs of sand and 90 gallons of water....How without major damage?

glxtrix;33322 wrote: shoulda posted for some help, youre in my area I would have come over. Oh well, hope it all works out for ya.

Thanks. My financee helped me a lil so it wasn't too bad... but since I don't have any major equipment, draining and refilling it w/ buckets, drain tubes and a cup took about 3 hours. Lame...
jhutto;33359 wrote: HOw did you do it with all the stuff in it? I want to move mine out from the:fish: wall only about 2 inches but I am chicken to do it with 100 lbs of rock, 100 lbs of sand and 90 gallons of water....How without major damage?


I currently have it on hardwood floors so if it's light, I could slide it. What I ended up doing was draining about 80-90% of the tank to get it to budge. I had a spare 29g laying around, another giant tub and 4 buckets all of which I filled up. To help lighten the load, I also moved some of the rocks near the top and most of my frags into the 29g and tub to keep them moist while the tank was drained for the three hours.

If you replace everything you took out in a short period of time so that temperature doesn't change too much, you should be fine. The only problem I ran into was partial bleaching of a couple of corals but that's b/c I poured some new water in during the move as my water change and I didn't equalize the temperature as close as I should have.
hey if you want to try to move it away from the wall if you have the screw type carjack that might help to move it just put it between the stand and wall. Just a thought.

Extra Disclaimer: If you follow this advice(I don't' see why you would I'm just talking theoretically) I am not responsible for any damage, dismemberment or death that may occur.
You bunch of girls!, I once moved a FULL and FULLY stocked 135 tank and stand over 20 feet and had it hooked back up to 100 gallon sump in less the 20-30 minutes by my self. That's right solo. And took pictures of every step. :lol: when dealing with saltwater brass ones hold up best ;)
I once moved a full stocked 75g (stand, sump, lights- everything) about 10 feet, but the pumps and lights were only off for the 10 seconds it took me to change outlets.

I used those little furniture mover pads they sell at home depot - just slid them under the corners (using a crowbar to gently bring the tank up the 1/4"), and it slid without too much effort. I didn't use the biggest ones, but I'm sure you could move a much bigger tank like that.