Moving a Bubble Anemone?


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<span style="font-family: Arial;">A few months ago I bought a bubble anemone and a mated pair of clowns, all are doing well except the anemone decided it wanted to take up residence in the back of the tank. The clowns never go more than a few inches away from it other than for food. Needles to say I would like to be able to see my investment! Any ideas on getting it to move? I have been thinking about pointing a powerhead in the general direction of it?</span>
thats prolly your best option, but dont blast it cuz you could injure it. Try that and see what happens, but be mindfull that anemones will move where they please so be careful if you have any corals in the tank.
Give that a try. If that doesn't work, just move the rock that it's on. If that's not an option you could try removing its base from the rock or glass that it's on by slowly prying at it w/ your fingernail. Or you could try feeding it a lot- sometimes they'll move after a large meal.
Ask Chrisjet for confirmation, but I think he used an ice cube on it's foot to make the one he gave me move.
if you do that, make sure you put the ice cube in a ziplock baggie, that way the freshwater isnt making contact with the animal.
Lots of ideas I never thought of!

I cant move the rock, if only it were that easy! I dont even know that I can get my hands on the guy, I think the powerhead might be my first try. If not any tips on the icetrick chris?

The tank is filled with corals him moving around on his own isnt a good thing! Any tips on the placement of him so that he doenst move? When I put him in the tank I put him in a simidark/bright crevis with little water flow. He stayed for a few weeks, then moved to his new home.

Really debating bothering him but...
Flow is your friend here. Use the powerhead, manually removing him is never an easy task and is no fun when he's on the one rock supporting all your other rock. I use flow to keep mine from moving beyond certain boundaries... kinda like moving walls of water to confine them.
Word of causion here... If you use a PH to blow him off, realize that IF he does move he will float and if he does float he could end up in your PH the second that you stop watching him.
yes be cautious of powerheads, i believe sooner or later it will eventually find your PH. Place it in a spot where your anemone cant get to it from the rocks. To get him off the rock i use an ice cube that is not in a baggy, they hate cold so he will release his foot. Any other way you manually try to move him could be devastating. I have 2 and sometimes they will hide for a week or 2 then come out. If I was you i would leave him back there. If he or she moved back there than that is where it wants to be. Eventually he will prob come out.
You could also try blocking his light by rearranging some rock or with some black acrylic etc.
I think we are missing the point here.... Is the anemone getting ample light in the spot its in? Is it in any danger? It probably moved there because it favors that spot over the spot you had it in.... Part of good husbandry is to provide a happy home for your livestock. If its happy there, leave it and try to rearrange the rock work where you can see it better. If it moved there of its on volition and is healthy, then try to work within IT'S parameters...
If you want to move the BTA off a rock and can remove the rock from the tank, fill a small bucket with tank water and suspend the rock over the bucket with the BTA upside down. Gravity will slowly pull at the BTA and in a few minutes, it will let go and fall into the bucket of water. Works like a charm.