moving and upgrading from a 75 to a 120


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So I will be moving into my new house hopefully on September 9 and try to make sure I have everything in order went ahead and broke down and purchased an rodi and 175 gallon salt mix by red sea. I plan on mixing a 55 gallon trash can 24 hours prior I then plan on moving livestock and live rock in plastic totes. and moving as much of of the original water as possible. As soon as I get everything moved I plan on using prime to help balance everything and to keep from shocking the livestock.Also I plan on adding a little bit of dryrock at a time. Just wanting to know if there is any other suggestions. thanks guys.
some say no benefit from reusing water but i say horse pucky.

i would treat it mostly like a large water change. try not to move your sand in the 75. remove water coral and fish and LR. make sure you keep LR in the tank water or as wet as possible. the longer out of water the more die off you have. and move. have 120 tank about half full with new mixed water. and new live sand. dont reuse old sand. reason is the old sand will have a lot of nasty stuff in it that you dont want in a new tank. it's just harder on the bio system.

all parms need to be the same. move in LR and fish after accumulating and use most of the 75 tank water to top off. use stability as directed for new tank for 7 days.
+100000000000 pn all said.I would also use a little Prime, detoxifies.
I have sand originally out of the 120 that I am cleaning thoroughly ad drying a week before putting in the new tank and thanks foe the input guys
the amount of time spent to save the sand is a mute point when you could have used new wet sand and it not cloud up also. the new live sand is wet and said to be live but really is it really live and has not had any air? probably not but more than likely the pack of wet stuff that comes with it is sorta like stability.
anywho, i would take some mixed water and soak your dry sand a day before you use it and then rise it again with mixed water and then add to the tank.
I disagree with the use of your old sand. I've built several tanks and almost every instance, I've either reused my old sand or even sand from somebody else tank. There's absolutely no reason why you can't (unless it's over 5 years old then I might think differently). You just have to rinse and in moving from one tank to another, a lot of that happens naturally.

I've always put the sand in first, filled with water, added the live rock then filter this for at least 24 hours before adding the fish. Using a canister filter works extremely well for this task. It's worked every time and I can't even tell you how many times that's been.
As long as there's not a Ga game that day I sould be able to help. I've got plenty of extra buckets, pumps, trash can and other stuff. I'll pm you my number.
Well finally got in the new house and moved the tank today and so far so good I thanks again to jimmystevens for selling the tank and for all the advice
I got a 120 with fish and coral and I usually got to Atlanta when I purchase new livestock due to nowhere in central ya has anything worth buying feel free to pm me we can talk and def try to help each other out