Moving PH from QT to Main tank ???'s


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Hey all, I am trying to move a PH from my QT that I am currently treating with copper, Cupramine, into my main display tank.

What can I do to rid the PH of all traces of the copper, so I don't introduce that to the main tank? Right now, I have it running in a 5g bucket with tap water to try and flush everything out of it.

Possibly throw some carbon bags in there? Maybe some Cuprasorb?

Is there anything on the PH that will actually even absorb the copper, or would it be like PVC, where it is inert and I can just rinse it off really well and be fine?

Any help is appreciated.

You bet your bottom dollor it can transfer CU into your main tank. The suction cups (if there are any) are the main thing that will absorb CU. I would run a polyfilter or cuprasorb in the 5 gal bucket with the filter in some RO water. (Ro water will allow the filter to only suck up the CU. The wehn everything tests 0, remove the filter for a few days and see if you still have any leaching. If so, start again...

My best advice is to only use this PH for CU in the QT and buy a new one for the main tank but that is because I would be leary of anything that had CU in my main tank. Heck I do not even move the heater from tank to tank!
This PH doesn't have any suction cups on it. I was thinking about just buying another PH, but I will have 4 nano's coming in early next week. I am shipping off my 2 Tunze 6000's tomm morning and need something other than my return pump to circulate some water in the main tank. I just didn't want to waste the money, just to cover 2-3 days.

But, I also didn't want to take the chance of introducing copper to my main display.

Decisions, decisions.

Thanks Brandon.
NP... I might have a few Maxi 1200 around from when I had my CL down if you need to borrow them. I just hate to take the risk with CU since a little bit left over goes a LONG way!!!

Again, I would test the water in the 5 gal bucket and see if you are measuring ANY CU. if so I would scrap it!!! IMHO better to be safe then sorry. I am a cheap person, but buying a $30 PH is better then loosing an entire tank. (not to say that I think a small amount of CU could wipe out a lange tank but it could do some damage before being sucked up by the rock!) Again, I will be around this weekend if you need to borrow a PH or two.