Xyzpdq0121;234553 wrote: JP...
I have done it quite a few ways... First off, If you are interested, I have some Prodibio">Safe Travel</a> that I was given at MACNA in my goody bag from Prodibio. It is supposed to help in situations just like yours. Since there have been times that I have shipped livestock for members moving, Dr. Nicolas gave me a few boxes. I think I can spare a few vials to help you out.
Second, you have two options. Either:
A) have the fish held and shipped to you overnight. You will need to have someone here hold the fish in QT till you get up to WV and then ship them overnight to you. (Or find someone up there to ship them to like a LFS and hold them there) The advantage to this is that it gives you time to set up your system up there. It is pretty safe if done correctly. Think about how many fish Liveaquaria ships around the country. I have done this a few times to places like Colorado and had good success. Down side is it costs about $150 to ship a box since normal people do not have a contract with Fedex.
B) You can move them like you are planning. You will need a battery air pump or a power converter and a few heaters. Only problem that I see is that you might not be able to generate enough power to have a heater in each bucket and an air stone. You are going to want one of each in each bucket INCLUDING your live rock. You are going to need a few buckets, the lion IS going to need his own. I have used some battery backups for this in a move from Michigan to here and it worked pretty well. Another con is the fact that you need to get a tank set up ASAP while you are worried about your fish being in a bucket! Snappers, Lions, and puffers can use A LOT of O2 up quickly and the surface area of a bucket is not the ideal way to keep them alive long term.
Hope that helps... Now I got a questions for you. Just so happens that I might be looking into an appointed position with the government in Huntington, WV. (or maybe Morgantown, WV depending on the appointment) What do you know about the area? Other then being on the Ohio border, I do not know much about it! Oh ya, and it is the second largest city in WV but that does not mean much!!! Oh ya, isn't that where Marshall University is and the "We are Marshall" story comes from? ;)[/QUOTE]
Thank you for the suggestions. I am leaning more towards having my livestock sent via air freight to a lfs in the area and have them hold my livestock. I will check out the Prodibio and let you know if I need some. Dave over at SWC thinks my fish and eel have a 60% chance of not making it, so I need all the advice I can get. Is there a good air freight company in the area to use?
As for Huntington. I myself have never been there. I have been doing a lot of reading about the area. Seems it is most famous for Marshall university of course and Stewart's hotdogs...I am going up there for 2 days next week to check things out, and have a face to face meeting with my potential future employer. unfortunately there is no local reef club, nor too many saltwater fish stores, besides the chains like petland and petsmart. I did find you that has been in business for over 20yrs. in Ashland ,KY. so gonna check them out while I'm up there.