moving tanks need help


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ok im breaking down my 29 and moving my fish into their new home my 80 gallon............the 80 gallon has been up and running for probably 6 to 7 weeks had 20 lbs. of LR in there for about 5 weeks......i took water to get tested at LFS and everything was a go my cycle was done.

at this point i added 3 more chromis knowing i was going to be adding more LR very about a week ago i picked up 50 more lbs. of LR and added it to the tank. which bring me to today

As of right now my 80 gallon has about 60 lbs of LR and 3 green chrmois all doing great eating swimming. I Still have 20 more lbs. of rock in my 29 gallon and i also have.....a bar ebili angel....and a firefish.

How should i and in what order should i move the rest of the fish and LR from my old tank to my new without causing a overload on the new tank??

will this work.

Week 1 (today)....move bar goby to new tank.
Week 2 (tuesday 27th)...move fire fish
week 3 (tuesday 3rd)....move angel
week 4 (tuesday 10th)....move the other 20 lbs. of rock

i just kinda made that up in my head is that a bad order or too short of time?
really i could just throw it all in at once?? I guess my biggest fear would be losing the angel. Of course i dont want to lose anything but i would hate to lose that fish over me making a dumb mistake thats why i wanted to ask first. I think i will take my water to have tested one more time and if its still ok i will throw it all in
yeah i was thinking of doing what you said but there is no way i can catch any of the fish with the rock still in the tank so i think im just gonna take the plunge and move it all