Moving time!


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I'm moving in a little less than a month (August 20th to be exact) and In the process I am going to upgrade my 75g to a 120g. How should I go about the process as to minimize losses?

I plan to get a 44g brute trash can and mix and "cycle" some saltwater so that I can put everybody right into the new tank. But, I'm unsure if that's the best method.

Any help would be appreciated!

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porpoiseaquatics;1091904 wrote: The best method that I've found is to use as much of the original water as possible.

What about sand?

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some will say use the sand. I would have been one of those people until recently. I say use new sand with a little "seed" sand from your original tank.
I just move tanks , I wouldn't try to keep the sand start with new and use a couple cups of the old sand to seed the new.
When moving, remove as much water from the tank before removing any rock/coral/sand. I would always use fresh sand.
I can use the old sand as long as u rinse them in a bucket a few good time with some fresh saltwater to clean out those nasty stuff under that sand. Maybe running couple test to make sure all the parameters are in check before adding fish/livestocks.
If your transferring tanks here is what I do. Do a water change a few days prior so you have tank water on hand for transport.

Rinse off all rocks(shake in a bucket), rocks with corals go in water. Rocks without corals go in a box with a wet towel over them(wet with tank water). Its good for at least 48 hours like that.

Fish go in their own container, inverts in another and corals in their own. A battery powered air pump will keep the water moving around good enough to keep everything alive for a full day. Be sure to have a few small heaters to keep things warm(may not be needed this time of year)

Sand either needs to be flushed and cleaned completely or simply replaced. Replacement is much easier.

Once at the new location a kiddie pool works great as a temp tank for storing everything while you work on the new setup.

Remember to put the rocks in first then sand around them and as said use as much of the old tank water as possible.

Thats it.