MR-1 Skimmer whistling


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So I have my MR-1 up and running and it is doing an awesome job. However, the air intake makes this whistling noise. When I put my funger over the hole is stops but obviously then it produces no bubbles which defeats the purpose of a skimmer. Anyone with an MR skimmer have this problem? I was thinking about running a piece of airline tubing from under my house to the hole on the skimmer but thought it my affect the skimmers performance. Anyone have any ideas that wont affect the skimmer?


<span style="color: black;"><span style="color: black;">I have a skimmer that had the same issue. I ran an airline and made a silencer from two PVC cups glued together that I drill with two holes. The noise is gone and the skimmer works without any noticeable change.</span>
I would also unscrew it and give it a hot water and vinegar bath and see if you have some gunk in there.
If you have the silencer on there, there should be a cotton ball inside the PVC cap with the hole drilled in it. If not, buy a cotton ball, tear it in half, and put it in there.
Thanks everyone! I put a 2' piece of airline tubing in the hole on the end of the pvc cap and it seems to have taken care of the problem without effecting the performance of the skimmer. I may try the cotton ball thing. That seems to be pretty simple.
cotton ball is the absolute way to gho. It will be silent. Besides, I think Danny knows what he's talking about with this one!!
Chris...what tune is it whistling? Dixie, or Singing in the Rain? Glad you got it fixed!