Multiple gobies, good or not??


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The fish I would really like for my 30g cube turn out to be almost all gobies. I know I will have to have a cover since they jump but I don't know if it is a good idea to have multiple gobies in the same tank. If it is okay, should they all be introduced at the same time or is there something to do with adding but only smaller, etc? :unsure:

The fish I am looking at are a jawfish, a diamond, a dracula, maybe a yellow watchman (minus the pistol or mantis) or a blenny, and maybe a purple firefish. The only other livestock will be the CUC, a pepermint and a clownfish.
atreyu917;378360 wrote: I have a firefish and mandarin (not true gobies) in with a Dragon Goby, Golden Head Goby, Yasha Goby (somewhere), and a Randall's goby.

I personally think you'd love the Randall's goby and they don't get huge. Check out the Black Ray goby too. Love those and would like one someday.

I've heard and seen Jawfish go after others when it came to territory. I once saw a store acclimating a Pearly with some other fish (including my Randalls) in a bucket and the Jawfish grabbed some other goby by the tail and starting shaking it's body. Nasty little suckers.

I still want one though hhaha

Man! Jawfish and Diamond were on the top of my list... I will go back and take another look at the Randall's when I look at that Black Ray.

Thanks for the help!
dawgdude;378363 wrote: Yeah Jawfish can be nasty. My diamond goby did the same to one of my wrasses one time for no apparent reason. He was a mean little bugger though.

So in general are diamond gobies "bad attitude" types? I love sand sifters.. oh well there are, as they say, other fish in the sea! Sorry for the bad pun. I am funny in my own mind oftentimes! lol:eek:
Your going to want to stay away from anytime of sandsifting goby with the hawaiian black sand. I had a Dragon for almost 2 years and once I out him into my new tank with the black sand he very rarely ever sifted and eventually died. I would even be carful with the jawfish. The black sand just has very large granular size.
Look into a tailspot blenny for alot of personality in a small package. Alot of gobies to choose from. If you are ever looking for an idea check out the nano fish section of live aquaria. I'm sure you store or 3 up there can find what you get interested in
If you get a Jawfish make sure he has a burrow before you put him in the tank,

I have a 20g Custom Cube, My firefish Goby made his home under a rock close to the bottom of my Foam/Rock wall.

Within 1 night of my BlueSpot Jawfish being introduced to the tank, He stole the home of my firefish. The firefish just kept swimming around and at night he slept out in the open behind a frag of zoos.

Eventually I made the jawfish his very own Burrow and the firefish reclaimed his house.
cr500_af;378827 wrote: Jawfish burrow is on the honey-do list for this weekend.

Good for you. They are great, hardy, fish, and not to mention, friendly. I like blue spots, but I have heard they are agressive. Pearlies are probably the way to go!
atreyu917;378398 wrote: My Dragon gobies owns over my Golden Head when it comes to sand sifting! Someone once said "they don't just sift, they crop dust". Makes me laugh.

I definitely don't think you'd regret a Randall's. Mine is full of personality and thinks he's the king. haha.

Here are some others for thought:"></a>

Here is the Wheelers i was talking about


Not a goby, but me likey

The Wheelers is a likely candidate and I have been on liveaquaria way too much but I was also liking the blenny!! A dragon is definately on the list as is the jawfish. Now I am off to see if a Randall's is compatible with the rest of hopefuls!!

[QUOTE=][B]Mockery;378414 wrote:[/B] Your going to want to stay away from anytime of sandsifting goby with the hawaiian black sand. I had a Dragon for almost 2 years and once I out him into my new tank with the black sand he very rarely ever sifted and eventually died. I would even be carful with the jawfish. The black sand just has very large granular size.[/QUOTE]

I never would have known that the color and particle size would make a difference, thanks for the info Colin! Looks like a diamond goby is going to be out of the question.
dawgdude;378419 wrote: If you do have black sand then the sifting is going to be an issue like Colin said. Diamonds arent generally bad tempered but in a small tank like that they get pretty large and can get territorial. BTW any fish that sifts sand will redo your rock work as well.

Even if my rock went in on the bare glass prior to the sand being infilled??:confused2:
We had a dragon goby... not sure what happened to it... It was a really cool fish but was also a pain. It would pick on a peice of coral for a week or so, dumping sand on it till it was covered, then it would move on to another peice. It was a fish full of personality though!!
dawgdude;379015 wrote: If you have literally put all the sand around your completed rock work then you will be ok. However I did the same thing and somehow my diamond managed to cause one pretty big landslide. I think the rock work settles and is slightly supported by the sand after its added.

Wow! Ok so a diamond is now completely out of the question. I have a large squarish rock that could cause major problems if it came crashing down. Thanks for the help!

MrsNecropolis;379138 wrote: We had a dragon goby... not sure what happened to it... It was a really cool fish but was also a pain. It would pick on a peice of coral for a week or so, dumping sand on it till it was covered, then it would move on to another peice. It was a fish full of personality though!!

This is not sounding so good now... I want a clam & would not be too amused if the dragon started dumping on it. Back to the drawing board... Good thing I have a month or so more to sort the livestock list out. Thanks for the helpful input! Btw, love your avatar!
Affectedhalf;379211 wrote: Two Green Banded Gobies = win win. Just sayin'!

Nice meeting you the other day too! How's the little guy? Any names yet?
The green banded are cuties, strong possibilities. Just got a firefish, which promptly found a hiding spot & haven't seen since he was in the bag. And a yellow watchman goby, great looking guy too!

The little guy is great, he's made a bubble nest and is happy as a clam! We had an office pool and have named him Sushi!:eek:

Do you have any plant recommendations for him?