Murder Crab


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So I got what was supposed to be a small emerald crab to help with bubble algae. Then I started having other algae problems. Realized the other day that most of my pretty substantial CUC is missing. I thought well crap killed those too along with most my coral. Then last night I saw this crab who is now suddenly the size of a silver dollar (guess he’s been eating well 😡) eating my fire shrimp!! He’s got to go. Any tricks on catching him? And any good crab cake recipes?
I just use my hands, but I grew up in Maryland catching Blue Crabs with my hands lol. Those Emeralds are really smart too. You must try to catch with first attempt because they will not forget that you tried to catch it, they are really strong too. Do not underestimate the leg strength cause it will hold onto a rock for dear life. When they get big, they want more protein instead of algae. They will eat Cora too

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It might not be the same crab as the one you bought, depending on your live rock source. It could be some variety of Xanthidae or Portunidae and not an emerald. The easiest way I'd think would be to bait them out and spear them with a skewer, but some people use traps as well by leaning a baited shotglass against the rock or something similar.
For catching him, lure him with a piece of krill in a trap. Put the trap away from the rockwork and near the glass. If he runs, oftentimes they get stuck along the glass and are easier to catch by hand. Oh, and try to not get pinched if you can avoid it. lol

He may not fall for it during the day, but hopefully at night you can catch him.