Mushroom coral shriveled up?

reef witherspoon

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I'm kinda new to coral and salt water in general, My tank's a 29 gallon that's been running for 4 months.

I put a green mushroom in, and it's been doing fine for weeks.... Until now....

A couple days ago when it stormed at 9-10PM real bad, my power was off for 5 hours.

I didn't realize it until the next day the heater in the tank never turned back on, and the water was cold.

Ever since 3-4 days ago it's just been kind shriveled up all day. looking sick but alive.

Everything else is fine , zoas, clown etc.

Is there anything i could do to bring it back?
Get Temp back up slowly, and wait.

Have you done a water change recently?

Checking params and a water change will help.

if it dies it will slime over and melt away. there is a good chance that it will come back. If it is not a um they are pretty hearty.
