Mushroom question


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In this shroom the outer edges that's touching this one rock has little bubbles on its tips. It's not got this anywhere else on it. Just wondering what it is. 20200423_170417.jpg
Its nothing to be alarmed about, if you are. This is just how it is. I'm not sure if the best analogy is to related this to the callous that grows on your feet from normal walking (Nurture), or if it is a better analogy to think of this as a genetic growth (Nature)... but regardless, it is nothing to worry about.
Its nothing to be alarmed about, if you are. This is just how it is. I'm not sure if the best analogy is to related this to the callous that grows on your feet from normal walking (Nurture), or if it is a better analogy to think of this as a genetic growth (Nature)... but regardless, it is nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the reply. Wasn't really worried about it just seemed odd. To be honest I was hoping it was babies just waiting to hatch :)
Hahaha... we're always hoping for babies for our reef critters!

But nah. Mushroom corals aren't true corals. They're actually anemones. And anemones have many ways of reproducing, but visible eggs aren't really part of any of their methods. Most commonly in aquariums, they just split. However, if you have male and female ones in a large tank... there is a extremely small chance that they could release eggs and sperm into the water. These will then find each other, and embed themselves on rocks all over your tank and sump.