Mushroom question


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I got a mushroom rock cheap from Pet Showcase on sunday just to try my hand at it. It had 5 small red mushrooms and 2 darker red/purple mushrooms. Since I have put them in the tank 3 reds have spread out real well but have covered the other 2 reds and they have shrunk down to nearly nothing. Is there a way to move them, if so how, or will they just take care of themselves?
I will say it is amazing how well they have done and what a difference in the FOWLR tank they made.....:yay:
what type of lighting do you have? they tend to "swell" if they are in lower light stiutions. the smaller ones should detatch and relocate themselves before the die off. shrooms tend to take care of themselves as long as your basic water quality checks out. good luck!!:)
Stop now roundman, there's still hope for you man!

This is how the addiction begins... one small coral that beautifies you're quaint fowlr. Soon you'll want to add another, and another, and then you'll be selling off your furniture for that LE frag that you absolutely must have! Don't do it man, its not worth it! Take that shroom out of the tank pronto before its too late!
No, I think Rawn will be ok. Shrooms are not that addictive. They are pretty foul tasting and might make you see things for a few hours, oh wait, wrong shrooms....

As was said prior, they should sort themselves out.