I've had very good luck with my 25 cube and have been working on my 120 which is become quite exciting as well. I've posted some photos but I had just stirred up some dirt a little while ago and it hasn't all settled. Please be a critic on my setup, but offer ways for me to improve if you are going to point out deficiencies. Basic tank is a 120g and 40g sump. Oct 165 skimmer. 2 Ocellaris, 1 sail fin tang, 6 green chromis, 1 lawnmower blenny. I have several BLH crabs and 3 emerald green crabs. The photos are of my coral, all frags. zoas, 2 different candy canes, yellow cup, and what I think is a hammer coral. I have 2 large and 2 small power heads set to run at different times and the main lighting is on for 10 hours a day, no light on sump (yet). I haven't really glued the frags down, should I? or will the coral grow onto the rocks I've placed them on? Perms have been good and I'm keeping around 1.025 for salinity and 78 degrees. Thanks so much for the feedback!
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