My 5 gallon planted (old member returning)


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I was a member here ages ago (same username) but unable to pull it back up since servers ect was wiped. I had a reef tank, able to propagate my own corals, and even a breeding pair of green banded gobies. Trying to keep things more simple this time and try my hand at a planted tank. Though I do miss my reef tank.... Hopefully this thread isn't also deleted *sigh 🙄

I currently have:
  • anubias nana petite
  • java petite
  • hornwort
  • moss balls (If anyone has some, I'd be interested, mine are ...well...let's just say they went through a lot last year)
  • java windelov
  • 2 x amano 2 x ghost (I think if betta hasn't murdered already) and 1 x murderous koi betta (looking for good home or if you know of where I can post to rehome a betta, please let me know)
I keep throwing the hornwort in the trashcan so a couple questions:

Can I put it in a bucket outside and it be okay until I can trade it? I just don't have room to keep it in current tank
Related: I have extra hornwort I can trim if anyone wants, needs or is local (I'm in Dunwoody)
Also related...if anyone has any backup aquariums I would much appreciate even small- 5 gal or 2 or something just so I can have more room for excess plants or as a QT tank

I'm dosing ThriveS 2x a week and noticed before when I was just dosing once there were some pinholes in the anubias leaves. I've started adding much do you recommend a week? Dosing around .8mL

baby tank
I can't figure out how to edit and forgot a picture 😞 it's here!


Oh yes the hornwort needs to be trimmed badly but it's protecting the shrimps so that has to wait.... (same with adding the new anubias on the rocks)