my 90 gallon


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Here it is. Just base rock cause i am re seeding it. thanks matt
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are your tank already cycle, or you using those damsler to cycle it?
Nice Tank... Are those Maxi Jets with the Mods on them? Be careful with the damsels. I have one that was a survivor of the testing period and now I HATE him.
I had a 3-spot domino who sadly did not survive the testing period (more specifically, 2+ days without power). I understand they're little *******s, but he had SO much personality, and a bright yellow dorsal fin that looked like a headdress, so much so we called him "Chief". He was always out in front of the tank, day or night. We miss him :(
mjhonda2002;37798 wrote: Here it is. Just base rock cause i am re seeding it. thanks matt


If you're going to keep a reef tank, you might consider buying more base or live rock. It will help with biological filtration as well as give you more real estate to place corals on.
I know about more live rock. I just have to wait for money. the damsels werent for the cycle but they were tester fish. They are in my friends shark now.
the cheaper way to add more rock are to add base rock. In time base rock will turn into Live rock.
The other way are to wait till someone have some LR forsale. Chance are someone selling once a month.
those suction cups on your mj mod are gonna fall off - get one of those magnants - there are adapters that come with the magnents so it will fit on nicly - i have one and it works great - the only thing that sucks is that the magnants are like $30
the sand is some old caribseea. The mj mod to the left has the hanging thing that came with the original maxi jet. I sold the other one. I am trying to get a seio.
Here i will give yall some specs.
2 250 MH on electronic ballasts
80 pounds sand
80 pounds base rock
Berlin classic skimmer with different pump. It works like a charm
20 long sump/fuge
1 Mj mod and 1 mj 1200
mag 5 return