My 90G Fish List


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As I'm now highly considering swinging by Atlanta Aquarium... it's likely I come home with a new fishy fren.

Need some feedback on this list and the add order! I'm planning this to take quite a few months.

90Gal, plan to be mixed. ~120# live rock, 2" aragonite bed. No corals at the moment.

1. Blue-Green Chromis (already added)
2. Royal Gramma (daughter's other request)
3. Kole Tang
4. Mimic Yellow Tang (because Chocolate)
5. Some sort of wacky blenny with a good personality that enjoys long walks on the beach
6. Pair ocellaris clowns (after some mushrooms or something fun for them to host)
7. 6 Line Wrasse (best to add after tank is more mature?)
8. Some sort of sand sifting goby (likely diamond, but same as above with the sand bed?)
9. Cleaner wrasse (assuming best to add after all the kids in the pool?)

At some point, more scarlet hermits, emerald crab, cleaner shrimp, and varied snails will be added.

I want to stick with a lower bio-load, so I think this is my max. I lean toward tank mates with functions, especially fish like the kole tang and the cleaner wrasses.